Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Yellow Spotted in Middelheim

I guess you remember I have posted about Middelheim a few times. We went with the school to two museums, the first one was Middelheim. The sculptures you are going to see are from Erwin Wurm. I believe you are going to love him as well! The special thing was that we had to dress yellow. Enjoy! =D

Charlotte is a girl from my class and I hope she doesn't mind that I putted her on our blog. I would have asked her for a streetstyle picture if saw her walking on the street without knowing her. I adored how she combined all the yellow. Don't you agree with me? Ow, and she is a twin as well. Nice isn't it =D
More pictures of the park after the jump!



Eline said...

wat een grappige werken!
En ze ziet er inderdaad super uit!

Luna Tiger said...

Oh yeees ! I'm found of yellow this autumn ! well done ! Your friend have a great style !

TheOtherSideofCool said...

She's actually made all yellow look amazing, I am surprised!

And the sculptures are incredible! xx

Visit The Other Side Of Cool
Tweet me! @othersideofcool

Christianna said...

These are so strange and yet sort of wonderful!

Anonymous said...

Lovely pictures!

Julie xx

Birgit said...

so original and funny!


menina elegante said...

Just love the all yellow! :) x

CafféFashion said...

WOW! the outfit is amazinG! i really love it! :) i think there are quite many twins out there!

Call me M said...

Your classmate is really stylish! Love the look!
And the museum has really interesting art. Never seen anything like it. Very modern.

Jane Alisa said...

Wow all yellow suits her xoxo

carla said...

Yay for yellow!! I agree with you, she did a very good job of yellow. Cool blog:)

Anonymous said...

i like it a lot too, but i am not able to wear it with my blond hair! look weard!

Gosia said...

Charlotte looks great!

Run With Fashion said...

Wow, how cool, to dress in yellow! :D (It's my fav color) lol
I loove the girls mustard yellow dress, so pretty. :D
Yea, I agree with you, I like that she combined 3 different shades of yellow :D
And wow, awesome that she's a twin too!
Wow, loove the retro car, very cool of how its bended. :)
Wooow, I looove the sculpture with the man in the air, and the horse underneath him, LOOVE THAT!
omgod, lol, love the "house", 2nd to last pic. :D

I don't know which twin, left a comment on my poem post, but THANK YOUU SOOOO MUCH!! MEANT A LOT TO ME!! I looved your comment soo much!! :D *hugs* ^^


Ellinor Forje said...

I like how she's wearing different shades of it. Thanks for sharing the photos and feel free to drop by me too, soon.

Ellinor Forje said...

I like how she's wearing different shades of it. Thanks for sharing the photos and feel free to drop by me too, soon.

Fashion Confessions of a Mommy said...

Those are some amazing art pieces.
I love your friend's combination. The schiffon dress is with the cardi is so pretty.

Joan said...

oh great! i love how she styled all the outfit!

pumps & luiers said...

merci - heel leuke blog - verschillende geel/oker tinten passen helemaal in de herfst!
wat studeer je?

Unknown said...

Wat een leuke kunstwerken!

jess said...

I love your friend's entirely yellow outfit.

ANGIE said...

So beautiful photos...i agree with you for the girl!!!

Annebeth said...

je klasgenote is idd superstijlvol! :)

Shanah said...

Inderdaad een leuke combinatie! Dat kleedje vind ik echt super :) Congrats on that, Charlotte! Volgens mij vindt ze het echt niet erg hoor, die foto is geweldig ;)


LOLA FINN said...

The colours are so amazing! Nice combination!
Thank you so much for your nice comment, girls ;)

Blend of Life said...

Ontzettend leuke blog hebben jullie! Neem ook eens een kijkje op die van mij.

Ik heb een geweldige GIVE-AWAY die nog 2 dagen loopt!! Dus wees er snel bij en misschien win jij maar liefst 6 trendy, fashionable nagellak kleuren!

Anonymous said...

haha that housee is really cool! :)

the goldfish girl said...

I like this kind of sculps!!!lovely blog!!!

Kimberly said...

great photos and i love her all yellow outfit so pretty!

Anonymous said...

OMG I so adore her all yellow look. It looks incredible!

Clara Turbay said...

I like your fashion ideas and great style.

kristina@beancakes ★ said...

ahh! i love these photos!! that VW bus is so awesome, how in the heck would one drive that thing?! and your classmate does look superb in that mustard color dress!!! thanks so much for your compliment too!!!
xoxo ~ kristina

Sassi said...

wow, that's gorgeus! perfect for fall!

Anonymous said...

Ow, wij zijn daar met school vroeger ook naartoe geweest. vind dat echt een superconcept als het mooi weer is! :)
En je hebt er echt leuke kunstwerken uitgekozen ook vind ik ;)

Run With Fashion said...

Hey Paris!! :D
Thank youu sooo much for your comment on my Escape poem. I never shared anyone my poems besides my twin sister, soo it really meant a lot, your comment. :D Oh, I believe you that you really loved it, and that your not just saying it. :D


kenda said...

i never thought i would like a monochromatic yellow outfit, but this is great.

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