Friday, September 9, 2011

Arrow - America's Finest Shirts Since 1851

Arrow yesterday celebrated there 160 birthday and we had the honor to come and join there event, thanks to Marie-France from Oona. It's a brand for men and they really wanted to focus on one thing, so the quality of the brand remains. That's why there is no women collection.
They showed us the first designs as well. Also they were the first who drew a head on a collar.
The first face of the brand is now again the face of there new campaign, and the video should be released in two weeks.
That was a little introduction, here are the pictures.
(More pictures on our facebook page: The Mad Twins )

Belgian bloggers: Sophie, Valerie, Paris,  Stiene

Left: The first face of Arrow. Idealistic, because the man was idealized. So he didn't existed. 

The new face of Arrow. Can you see the similarities with the first face?

Sophie taking pictures for her blog. So check it out! =D She is a very nice girl with a great style!

Mr. Michael Arts has been an Executive Vice President of Global Brand Management of Tommy Hilfiger Corp
He was a very kind man!

Paris & Sophie

Paris & London

Arrows, don't you think this is amazing? =D



Leya said...

wow awesome pictures!! <33

Federica Delprino said...

Nice place and things :D

Hello Naka said...

everything looks amazing and i lvoe the picture of the different collars i would lvoe to have tht as a poster in my room :)

Gianella Peralta said...

You and your gals look tres chic! And the last two photos are really awesome :) Following you now. Hope you could follow back :)

Ruby And Siel said...

Wauw die laatste twee zijn zo cool! :D
Het is wel even wennen met jullie geknipte haartjes :) Ik was al aan het twijfelen bij wie wie was op die eerste foto!
Maar ik had nog nooit van het merk gehoord eigelijk

Anonymous said...

Leuke foto's!

Gioia said...

ziet er super uit! en zo'n leuke outfits :-)

check my give-away!

Marie said...

Wauw, ik kende het merk eigenlijk niet! Ziet er leuk uit! En Londen of Paris (sorry ik weet jullie namen niet echt ^^) je hebt een prachtig kleedje aan, beiden eigenlijk ^^.

LOLA FINN said...

You look awesome girls!

CafféFashion said...

nice picture. I like it's aura!

Prisca. said...

The last picture is amazing!

Eline said...

leuk zeg!

Anonymous said...

Looks like a fun event, and wow, you 2 are identical ö. Thanks for the comment. ♥-Axelle

Unknown said...

ohh beautiful post :)

Valerie said...

Leuke foto's! En het was leuk om jullie terug te zien!

Unknown said...

You are both SO cute :)

Anonymous said...

oooh. love your blog so much!!
And I love this post really.)

Can you answer on my question?

What is your favorite place on earth and why?
It s really intresting for me, becaurse I love travaling and photo.)

Unknown said...

This looks amazing!!

Love London's dress!:)



FAB said...

Great pics!!!!! And I love your tights!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Jeeej! We had an amazing evening, isn't it!
Realised I have to get a decent camera when I saw your pictures! :D mine are quite bad quality.

See U guys tonight!

x Je suis Sophie

delvywang said...

paris and london.. you two very pretty.. :)

Superblondeep said...

beautiful girls! thanx for your comment on my blog! ;) xoxo

Kimberly said...

great photos love both your outfits so pretty!

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