Thursday, September 29, 2011

I had a dream

~Dream - Priscilla Ahn

Ballet was always my, london's, passion.  I danced almost whole my live, but I stopped this year. It was so hard to face it all the time. I wanted it to be my live, my future, but things didn't turn out how I hoped it would be. It's all so cruel! So that's why we love to take pictures about ballet, because I can give it my own personal style in this way. It will stay in my heart forever.



ChocolateFashionCoffee said...

amazing pictures!so artistic :)

Vanda said...

Every day I love your photos more & more!!!! beauty in a click!!

Anonymous said...

These photos are so lovely!

The Fancy Teacup said...

You are one beautiful looking dancer! The plaited hair is so pretty.

♥, Jamie


awww you're totally a ballerina!gorgeous photos!


Unknown said...

So cute an lovly ♥♥♥

Eline said...

wat een mooie foto's zeg!

Cacy said...

Nice outfit!
This ballet shoes are really cute!

ANGIE said...

So amazing photos...Love them all!!!Great job:)

CafféFashion said...

so beautiful pictures (as always)
Hey, do u edit your pictures? what kind of a camera do you have? :)

Señorita said...

The touch of ballet in these photos is so romantic...

Nikki | The Ginger Diaries said...

wauw, amai. hele mooie post! Ik wou dat ik ook zo elegant kon zijn! x

TatiannaMaria said...

amazing photos!
I love this post :)

xx, TatiannaMaria

Valerie said...

Wow, dit is prachtig! Misschien moet je ook eens vertellen van wanneer je ballet doet enz... in een post!

Rachel, Cold Knees said...

Utterly gorgeous, as ever :)

Call me M said...

Really nice outfit! Very romantic!

Maria Elyse said...

Aw, my darling, I understand how it is giving up something you love. This year my ballet teacher quit, and I had been struggling between choosing opera lessons or to continue in ballet. The choice was sort of made for me, but I will miss dancing and learning ballet to no end. It's such a huge part of me, as it's a part of you. And once you're a dancer, you're a dancer forever. ♥ It's hard to stop or move on after years of dancing...and I completely understand.

Anyway, lovely photos. You're so graceful. :)

Maria Elyse
First Impressions
Flying Ships Vintage

Fashion Mom said...

oh! what a beautiful pictures! amazing, I would put them on my walls !!!!! x

Malak Laraki - Your Paris Photographer said...

thanks for your comment!

love the pictures!!



Run With Fashion said...

You're so cute, love the first pic & the 2nd pic, really beautiful!
And your dress looks soo pretty! :)
I love ballet, it's soo beautiful ♥!!!
I like the poem at the end. :)


Emily said...

ballet is a fashion inspiration to for me, too, even though I have never been a dancer. I find ballerinas to be so elegant and classic! love your look here.


Fashion Confessions of a Mommy said...

So, I am totally in love with this post. Ballet always holds a special place in my heart. I am drawn to anything that reminds me of ballet.
Your poses are so graceful.

Anonymous said...

Oh so sad you had to stop with it. Ballet is so much fun, but it is so often you have to give it up. This is some truely inspirational photos. I adore.

meelusha said...

lovely pictures!!! can't wait for my balet inspired aerobic class tonight :)


P.s. thanks for the visit & comment on my blog. Please come by again :)

dinamita.paquita said...

that is juts BEAUTIFUL!!!

Kate L. said...

Beautiful photos! You are amazing!!

Fashion Cat

Desirae said...

I completely understand how you feel! I know that is such an awful feeling, but on a happier note, you look adorable! I love everything about these pictures!

Gioia said...

Wauw mooie post, ik vind je balletfoto's altijd zo speciaal!


menina elegante said...

just stunning photos. :)

Also, I have a giveaway on my blog. :) Come check it out! xx

Chez Margaux ... said...

these pictures are sublime, an absolute femininity ...

Have a nice day, xx

black pearl said...

amazing photos!!

LOLA FINN said...

OMG! These pics are really dreamy and nice!

Sofie said...

those pics are gorgeous! I absolutely love it! ♥

Marie said...

Prachtige foto's weeral! Dat kleedje ziet er echt leuk uit ;d. Ik vind het ook echt leuk dat je op pointes kunt staan, je staat er echt lief bij!

DailyGlamour said...

lovely pics !

Prisca. said...


kristina@beancakes ★ said...

ah! i didn't know that you both were dancers! so so pretty!!!
xx ~ ks

Anonymous said...


Anaivilo said...

My God these photos are so beautiful1 I really adore the feeling that is coming out of natural and warm :D

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