Friday, September 30, 2011

Thalys Paris !

We are going to Paris tomorrow and as you can see, we are going with Thalys! But we are not going alone! Valerie, Mieke and Laura are going with us! Isn't is exciting. It is our first trip with a train! We show you a lot of pictures after the trip! Here we come Paris Fashion week! Thank you again Valerie to invite us ! :D



Thursday, September 29, 2011

I had a dream

~Dream - Priscilla Ahn

Ballet was always my, london's, passion.  I danced almost whole my live, but I stopped this year. It was so hard to face it all the time. I wanted it to be my live, my future, but things didn't turn out how I hoped it would be. It's all so cruel! So that's why we love to take pictures about ballet, because I can give it my own personal style in this way. It will stay in my heart forever.


Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Yellow Spotted in Middelheim

I guess you remember I have posted about Middelheim a few times. We went with the school to two museums, the first one was Middelheim. The sculptures you are going to see are from Erwin Wurm. I believe you are going to love him as well! The special thing was that we had to dress yellow. Enjoy! =D

Charlotte is a girl from my class and I hope she doesn't mind that I putted her on our blog. I would have asked her for a streetstyle picture if saw her walking on the street without knowing her. I adored how she combined all the yellow. Don't you agree with me? Ow, and she is a twin as well. Nice isn't it =D
More pictures of the park after the jump!


Monday, September 26, 2011

Take me away to some place that's different

~ Priscilla Ahn - Elf Song

Paris: "She was an elf with long legs who had no friends, cause everyone around her were small and petite, perfect and she was oh so different"


Sunday, September 25, 2011

Coco Mademoiselle - Keira Knightley

Here you have Keira Knightley, our favorite actress. She has inspired us a lot, and we fell ashamed of not putting her on our blog. So here you have her. Isn't she a beauty miracle?


Friday, September 23, 2011

Living In My Tree

In A Tree - Priscilla Ahn

More pictures after the jump!


Thursday, September 22, 2011

My dear Missing Johnny, here's your lullaby!

~ Priscilla Ahn - Lullaby 

Here is the second look of the other lovely dress of Missing Johnny! This dress is also very pretty and here the print is also very beautiful! They have lots of pretty dresses so you certainly have to check out their website here!


Tuesday, September 20, 2011

When you grow up

Priscilla Ahn - When You Grow Up

Did your remember that we did a preview post about these brands, Rosalita McGee and Missing Johnny? Well, we finally managed to get the outfit post of the first dress of Missing Johnny! The dresses are so lovely! They are warm and comfortable! So they are very well for autumn and winter and even cold summer days! We are in love with the prints and the texture! This look is my (London) look when I went to the fashion museum. So it isn't very chic, but we are planning to wear it different when we are going to paris, but you just may be excited and wait when we post about that which will be sooner than you think.


Monday, September 19, 2011

I can tell, it's gonna be a good day!

~ A Good Day - Priscilla Ahn

Paris: "But you can sleep in, you just keep dreamin' for us."


Sunday, September 18, 2011

Buttons and ribbons are finding their place

~ Priscilla Ahn - City Lights
London: "Spiders and lizards are tying my shoes, whispering da da da" 


Saturday, September 17, 2011

You were Free!

We were free - Priscilla Ahn

Paris: "Didn't think you would go with the moon shining low on a night like tonight with me, but I asked you to be something you couldn't be...You were free"

Dekker Fashion: Top/ Skirt and Shoes: H&M / Earrings: gift

Friday, September 16, 2011

By the seaside, by the beautiful sea

You've probably saw this top before, but it is so nice to combine it with skirts! It fits almost with everything, and the laced texture is great to give your look that little extra. We found it at Dekker Fashion online, which is  an online shop from the Netherlands! It's an amazing shop.


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

6 things we love!

1) The perfume who stand on our list of most wanted perfume!


Monday, September 12, 2011

Maybe this revelry just wasn't meant for me.

~ Priscilla Ahn - I Don't Have Time To Be In Love
London: "I don't have time to be in love. Way too much candlelight, keeping me warm at night."

London's outfit on the Arrow & MM6 event.


Sunday, September 11, 2011

I'm alive, should have died in a plane crash four long years ago?

~ Priscilla Ahn - Red Cape

Paris: "Lost my hope, couldn't cope with my fear of news on the radio."

The outfit of Paris on  the Arrow & MM6 event.


Saturday, September 10, 2011

Capsule Collection Opening Ceremony and Maison Martin Margiela 6

Here again an event post, and I bet there will be coming more soon, because today we are going to a swapping; Tell you more about it later. We are again going with Sophie, looking forward to see her again!

The clothes of Martin did not disappointed us, like we already were thinking. His concepts are amazing. We and Sophie were event thinking to make something like it ourselves!

The shop beneath the presentation room was beautiful. The lighting and furniture,... was all so perfect! You can see it in the pictures.


Friday, September 9, 2011

Arrow - America's Finest Shirts Since 1851

Arrow yesterday celebrated there 160 birthday and we had the honor to come and join there event, thanks to Marie-France from Oona. It's a brand for men and they really wanted to focus on one thing, so the quality of the brand remains. That's why there is no women collection.
They showed us the first designs as well. Also they were the first who drew a head on a collar.
The first face of the brand is now again the face of there new campaign, and the video should be released in two weeks.
That was a little introduction, here are the pictures.
(More pictures on our facebook page: The Mad Twins )

Belgian bloggers: Sophie, Valerie, Paris,  Stiene


Thursday, September 8, 2011

So I pray, I could breakaway!

~ Kelly Clarkson - Breakaway
London: "Trying hard to reach out, but when I try to speak out, felt like no one could here me."

Today is going to be a buzzy day. First we're going to an event of Arrow and after that to the opening of Martin Margiela. We decided too meet a blogger (Sophie: from the blog: Je suis Sophie) at the meir at 5.15 P.M, and we're so excited. She seems so nice, and I'm sure this afternoon is going to be so great! I still honestly don't know what to wear, so I hope I will show up presentable, but that is for later.
Now I'm showing you guy what I was wearing yesterday, and as you see, my hair is cut. I'm so glad. It looks much better :)


Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Rosalita McGee & Missing Johnny

Today we're presenting to our dear readers, two lovely brands! The clothes are amazing! We're so in love with the illustations on the dresses! Perhaps I'm (London) wanting to do that in the futures as well!

Rosalita McGee is the first one I'm showing to you.

Don't you love this print? And how beautiful do these colors match!


Monday, September 5, 2011

One second I'm thinkin' I must be lost

Caro Emerald - That Man

London & Paris: "Now it's like I'm on a mission. Headed everywhere, and if it takes a little long, and it feels a little wrong who cares?"

This were the looks we wore at the opening from forever 21. Officially London was wearing a sweater but it was to warm. We believe it was 27 - 30 °C
Paris wears the blue skirt, London the orange - brown one.


Sunday, September 4, 2011

Forever21: Grand Opening, Antwerp

Yesterday was the grand opening of Forever 21. Me, London was the day before at a party of my best friend (Siel: Two wonder girls) parents. We helped till 3 a.m! Still we managed to get there at 9 a.m together with  my sister, Paris. There already was a lot of folk and the time passed by pretty fast. We were photographed a few times and we will link them if there online. The outfit pictures are for tomorrow, but now you can enjoy the store. It's so big, to big we sometimes think. We just get lost in the madness of the clothes. They succeeded to drive us mad! XD


Friday, September 2, 2011

Don't stop believing ! Hold on to the feeling

~Don't Stop Believing - Glee
Paris: "Just a small town girl, livin' in a lonely world"


Thursday, September 1, 2011

Look at This Trove, Treasures Untold

~ The Little Mermaid - Part of Your World
London & Paris: "Look at this stuff, isn't it neat? Wouldn't you think my collection's complete?"

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