Sunday, October 2, 2011

Journey to the past with Thalys

~ Anastasia - Journey to the Past
Paris &; London: "One step at a time. One hope then another. Who knows where this road may go."

Thalys gave us a ride to Paris. It was very comfortable and so fast. We don't get in Brussels so fast and Brussels is in Belgium! It's amazing to get in Paris in no time. We were really surprised.
The service was also wonderful! They were very kind and helpful and it made the traveling even more better. Kind staff is always a good point. They give the travelers a comfortable feeling.
The food and drinks were very good as well. We especially loved the presentation of it!
We really recommend the Thalys for those who are planning to go to Paris or somewhere else!
Watch the pictures and you know what we are talking about.
The pictures of Paris will appear soon as well in another post! Enjoy!

More after the jump!

The apple-cakes were soooo delicious! 

Lovely view in the Thalys when we left!

Free Wifi, so lets check our blog and let our readers know where we are!

The small Eiffel Tower =D

Paris Nord, the station in the style from Hector Guimard. Lovely isn't it!

The Belgian Bloggers, left to right: Laura, London, Valerie, Mieke. They are all so nice and well dressed! It was nice to see you and we hope to see you all soon again! 

The Thalys. Very regonisable because of it's red color!

The stunning hat of Valerie =D

Our dinner! The food was presented so well and the service was very good. Everyone was very kind and we had everything we needed. 

The napkins were so sweet with there own logo. 

Here you have Mieke with here cute dots! Who doesn't love dots! 

The lovely Laura with her amazing Jacket and Pants!!

Laura checking out her pictures of the day and Valerie in action.

Valerie and her camera =D


Vanda said...

I am so jeaulous!!!! It seemed a great trip(I LOVE trains_), looking forward for the Paris photos!!!!

The Fancy Teacup said...

Such cute pictures! Seems like fun transportation!

♥, Jamie

Eva said...

LOVE the outfits, it looks great!

Your blog is awesome!



ANGIE said...

So great photos...Lovely post!!!:)

Mary said...

Aww! That mini Eiffel tower is so cute!


aw paris!!!!!!city of light&city of fashion!


Eline said...

echt zo super dat jullie dat gedaan hebben. :D
Ben benieuwd naar de foto's!

Yasmeen said...

I love your bangs :D They're always so perfect!

Castle Fashion

Laura said...

Great pictures!
the outfits are amazing !!

Anonymous said...

Seems so great!
I'm looking forward to seeing the pictures. :)

Anonymous said...

Volgende maand ga ik ook met de thalys naar Parijs!
Ik kijk er al naar uit als ik
jullie foto's bekijk (:

Julie xx

Unknown said...

I've already taken the thalys to go to Germany. I have to admit it is a really cool train. Fast, clean, wifi... I loved it :)


LOLA FINN said...

You are so stylish, girls! ;)
Really nice clothes!

Nikki | The Ginger Diaries said...

Mijn foto staat wel ergens tussen die River Island Student Shop-In pictures, maar ik doe niet graag mee aan van die stem acties ^^ x

Gabrielle - I LIKE IT FAST said...

I love these photos! Such an adventure!

CafféFashion said...

wwow!seems like an awsome trio! Ps the pics aare amazinG!

Sam said...

Wat een leuke foto's! Het ziet er uit als een hele leuke en gezellige trip :)

Anonymous said...

Love the first photo ahh a train trip how fun

Julia said...

J'aime those leopard pants! Incroyable!
Le Salt Lake - It's complicated

Run With Fashion said...

Hi :)
Loove your hair, so cute :)
The apple cake looks soo yummy! :D
I love your floral dress, love the bottom of it! :D
I love the picture of Valerie's hat, so pretty.
Love the pics, it's always fun riding a train :D ♥

Thanks for the comment on my new post! :D


Kimberly said...

adorable photos love your outfit so cute!

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