Thursday, October 27, 2011

It is the same life that shoots in joy through the dust of the earth in numberless blades of grass

~ Garry Shyman - Praan
London: "The same stream of life that runs through my veins night and day runs through the world and dances in rhythmic measures."

Here do we show you a little preview of what we are introducing you this weekend.
We are showing you what's inside these cute little boxes.
You can look here if you can't wait! Ours will be shown in the weekend! MyNameNecklace 
is also a very good site if you want to give a beloved person something. 

Beauty Express for brows and eyes. Isn't it lovely! I was looking for a good on and we are showing you the result in the weekend. 

Doesn't it look beautiful! I always think the layout of a product must be beautiful as well, and Anastasia did it!

Do you still remember we posted a video before? You can watch it here again if you are interested! 



Despina said...

i wonder what could the necklace be!
that beauty express kit looks so great!!!

Vanda said...

Lovely tips for gifts!!!!! Thank you so much!!!!


the eye brow instruction is so freaking cute!!!!!<3


dinamita.paquita said...

what a lovely pictures!!

the creation of beauty is art. said...

Looks like great stuff!

Clément Dezelus said...

such a great post ! thank you for sharing this !

Shanah said...

Ohhhh, een my name necklace! Ik wil er echt al superlang één maar ik vergeet er altijd eentje te bestellen als ik geld heb hahahahaa xD Can't wait to see yours!


Ruby And Siel said...

Wow, hebben jullie een palet van Anastasia gekocht? Awesome!

Yasmeen said...

Awww those boxes are so adorable. I can't wait to see the necklaces. :)

Castle Fashion

Sydney said...

love the tone of your photos. how do you do that?? ;D

monogrammed earrings said...

beautiful! Would you like to review the monogram earrings from GetPersonalizedJewelry?

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