Wednesday, March 8, 2017

What is the point of a judgement?

"To suffer, yet stand firm, that's what it is to live. Isn't it?!" ~ Death Parade

What's the point of judgement when it isn't accompanied by suffering. The beauty to keep climbing while descending seems so much easier. The power to look up when your mind keeps telling you to stare at your feed. You have seen them to many times already. The strength to swallow your words but then again, inside you a certain courage to speak your mind. The things that make us human. The pain, the suffering, but also courage, admiration, and especially strength that can be found in small things. A person who does not know how to describe suffering, has never lived before. You have to know what it means. You have to experience it. Know what it means to take two stair-steps at the same time, to fall and start all over again. It's what makes us stronger. It's what makes us look up even when we are desperate to look down again. The sun might shine bright, but you will miss the sparks when the darkness seems way more beautiful. So, when you are feeling down. When you are struggling, know that climbing and looking forward is way more difficult, but far more rewarding!

written by London



Kara said...

Beautifully written post love! Also, I love the photos x

Laura Jones said...

what a lovely post! xx

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