Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Harry Potter

'We must all face the choice between what is right and what is easy' ~J.K Rowling

Me and my sister went to 'Harry Potter in Concert'. We were very excited to see the first movie of Harry Potter again with live music.
We decided to be a tourist in our own country, so be booked a hotel room in Antwerp, where we stayed after the concert.
I must say it was a very nice experience. The music was beautiful. Sadly the room was to big. Though we had a good place, we couldn't see the musicians from close.
After the concert we went for a cocktail in 'Applemans'. A well know cocktail bar in Antwerp. We talked about the music and our childhood. It was a perfect weekend.

Me and my sister are sorted in Huffelpuf. Which of the four houses are you sorted in? 


Friday, March 24, 2017

Grey Mesh Paneled Embroidered Floral Midi Dress

"It matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be." ~ J.K Rowling

Spring has arrived. The sun is shining and we want to be outside all day. Unfortunately that's not always possible. Today we had the chance to enjoy the evening sunrays together with our new dress from Metisu. It' almost felt magical. Don't you think these pictures look enchanting?
We really adore how it perfectly fits for this kind of weather! We were so in love with the dress, that we have already made a preview post. You can read all about that here. The quality is wonderful and the embroidery is just breathtaking. You can see that a lot of work and love has been put in this dress. You can see the details in the pictures and I'm sure you will love it as well. Metisu works with designer, which is an amazing concept, in our opinion. You can search for a designer you like and seach for a dress, or skirt, anything... you like in his or her collection. This dress came from the brand: SZOYCP.  Enjoy springtime and have an enchanting weekend!


Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Preview: Metisu Grey Dress

“You can cut all the flowers but you cannot keep Spring from coming.” ~ Pablo Nerutda

This Grey Mesh Paneled Embroidered Floral Midi Dress is soooo beautiful. I couldn't wait to take pictures with it. It feels like it comes right out  of a modern fairytale. The florals are embroidered on the dress, and I can't help falling in love with those details. I can literally stare at them all day. Even though this might sound creepy. I hope the pictures can explain my obsession. The quality of the dress is wonderful, wearing it almost feels like a dream.
Me and Paris are planning a shoot on Friday. You will see the dress in bright daylight! I hope spring is in the air and the sun will chase away the rain, because blossoms and blue skies would be a perfect background for this dress. Anyway, if you might be interested in this dress, you are very very lucky because it's on sale now  on Metisu. They have other beautiful items on their website as well. The fun part is that they work with designers, so each designer has it own style and you can easily find what you like. This dress was from the brand: Szoycp.  Well, make sure to check out Metisu and the outfit post on Friday. ^_^


Sunday, March 19, 2017

Over The Castle On The Hill

“Some journeys in life can only be traveled alone.”~Ken Poirot

I love to walk and travel. Since I walked the gr20 in Corsica, I fell in love with nature. Now I'm searching a walking route which I can walk alone, but I'm too scared to plan it. Dreaming of the mountains, trying to find myself on the way,etc. But I cannot take the step. Fear is controlling me.
I searched some easy walks, but it stays with looking and searching. It 's like window shopping. You want that dress, but you decide it is not a necessary item, so you leave it right there where you found it.
Do you have any experience of travelling alone? What walks did you take? Can you advise any?


Friday, March 10, 2017

Take me back to when...

"...I made friends and lost them through the years." ~ Ed Sheeran

"And I've not seen the roaring fields in so long, I know I've grown but I can't wait to go home"

Sometimes I think back to how it was. How it was to still live with my sisters. How I worked on weekend days, got paid and spend money on things I didn't even need. How the meadow in front of our house stretched out endlessly, watching the sun touch the grass as it gentle woke the neighborhood. Spending time with the chickens in the garden. All given an unique name. Our youth spend on the countryside was priceless and I would gladly relive it again. How different it is in the city. Not in a good or bad way. Just different. You could smell the fresh  mowed grass when spring was arriving and make a giant snowman in winter. Sometimes I want time to take me back to those carefree days. Trees were our castles. Meadow flowers became crowns and we became the kings and queens of our enormous garden.
Do you think back to how things were?

Wearing: Skirt and Blouse: H&M - Bag; Primark - Shoes: New Look - Hair: Styling Vieng

Written by London


Wednesday, March 8, 2017

What is the point of a judgement?

"To suffer, yet stand firm, that's what it is to live. Isn't it?!" ~ Death Parade

What's the point of judgement when it isn't accompanied by suffering. The beauty to keep climbing while descending seems so much easier. The power to look up when your mind keeps telling you to stare at your feed. You have seen them to many times already. The strength to swallow your words but then again, inside you a certain courage to speak your mind. The things that make us human. The pain, the suffering, but also courage, admiration, and especially strength that can be found in small things. A person who does not know how to describe suffering, has never lived before. You have to know what it means. You have to experience it. Know what it means to take two stair-steps at the same time, to fall and start all over again. It's what makes us stronger. It's what makes us look up even when we are desperate to look down again. The sun might shine bright, but you will miss the sparks when the darkness seems way more beautiful. So, when you are feeling down. When you are struggling, know that climbing and looking forward is way more difficult, but far more rewarding!

written by London


Saturday, March 4, 2017

Benefits of Reading

“Books are a uniquely portable magic.”~ Stephen king

When I was cleaning my house and saw all off my books, I asked myself a question: 'What are the benefits of reading'? So I did some research.
In former times reading  was an important habit to relax. Nowadays  the television is the new book. Watching  television is a lot easier, because reading consumes more energy. You have to use your imagination to visualize every paragraph. Television does that for you.

1. Recreation.
Reading is a good way to relax. While reading you're not in your living room any more, but in a whole new world. It is good to read before you go to sleep. You will fall asleep faster, because of the energy it takes. When you lose yourself in a great story, stress will slip away. Allow yourself to relax.

2. Health
Studies have shown us that reading helps you to stay mentally fit. It slows the progress of Alzheimer and Dementia. The brain is like a muscle. It has to stay active to prevent it from losing power.

3. Learning new things
Reading is tiring, but it is good for you. You will learn new words and a lot more.
You don't have to read mere informative books to learn something about history. Some books are situated in the past, therefore you learn about specific subjects.
You can watch an informative program on television of course, but studies shown us that reading helps us to remember things better.

There are a lot more benefits of reading. These three were my favorites. Keep reading!

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