Sunday, January 4, 2015

When did forever start?”

At some point, you have to stop running and turn around and face whoever wants you dead.The hard thing is finding the courage to do it. ~ Katniss Everdeen

Happy New Year! I hope you all celebrated well and are entering 2015 with lot of luck, happiness. I don't have any Resolutions, as I accept the surprise time will bring to me, what my impulsive actions will lead me to and how I will survive them eventually. I can honestly say I changed a lot, though I can't exactly tell if it is in a positive or negative way. I became more introvert, I drown myself even more with stories. How about you, do you have New Year Resolutions?

I no longer feel any allegiance to these monsters called human beings,
 despise being one myself. ~ Katniss Everdeen

I always wanted to try this soft looking make-up of Katniss in her stunning wedding dress. I don't usually wear such soft colors, certainly not on my lips since I don't like the color on me, but it definitely gives that gently and soft look. I was happy to find a white dress, little diamonds and feathers to finish the look with. Unfortunate I didn't have the lashes she used. Anyway, I hope you like this inspired make-up. ^_^ Which make up would you like to try out?



Live-Style20 said...

awesome.. ;-))


i invite to me too

Angie said...

ahh gorgeous, and Katniss is awesome. have you considered doing tutorials? (or maybe you have and I'm just dumb haha)

Panty Buns said...

I wish much luck and happiness in year 2015 as well!
I have resolved to eat mere healthily, exercise more, make hard decisions, reduce clutter and do a little at a time one day at a time starting anywhere in order to get more of my "to do" list done.
Your eye-makeup looks beautiful. The makeup I would like to try out next is from elf .

Javeria said...

Love it! So beautiful! Can you do a tutorial for this look?

Sarah said...

I adore your glittering eye makeup and the feathers in your braid. :) So very pretty! Wishing you health and happiness in 2015. xoxo

Ginger made in Japan said...

That look is so precious, the blue looks so sweet around your eyes :)
I like what you said about accepting surprise, I think it works better than making resolutions x)

maiko said...

Happy new year Ruby.This is maiko from japan.I checked it out that your comennt for my blog post.Thank you so much.
Thats right,I didnt got your reply;(I wonder why....:(
Then,Didnt you see my message in line?
i hope you are doing well!

Unknown said...

Amazing photos! You look gorgeous!


Katie Frank said...

this make - up is amazing! i love those adorable pearls under your eyes<3

lovepirate said...

This look is so pretty and amazing! <3 I really love it on you. *___* Please do more of it.

Unknown said...

WAHOW ! You're amazing ! Nothing to say...

Lien Steyaert said...

Wow, je zou zo weg gelopen kunnen zijn uit het zwanenmeer! Het groene in je oogschaduw is echt wel Katnissachtig. Love bovenal de veertjes in je haar, stunning.

Nagareboshi said...

You look absolutely stunning! That look really suits you. ^^

That is such a good quote, we really must face our adversaries at some point...

Sakuranko said...

Oh very lovely makeup dear

Enara Girl said...

Amazing make up!

Enara Girl said...

Great look, I added a link to this post in my blog. xoxo

Anonymous said...

Appealing post, I am going to spend more time learning about this subject.

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