Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Through The Streets Of Antwerp

~Florence And The Machine - Never Let Me Go 

Paris: "And it's over, and I'm goin' under, but I'm nog givin' up! I'm just givin in!"

Hello dear friends, here are some pictures of Antwerp. We took them before the Esprit event. First we went for dinner in Gionvanni, an Italian restaurant. We were first looking for something cozier but our search didn't succeed. We invited Kristof, Paris' boyfriend who works in Antwerp, to have dinner with us. It's really a nice guy and we're (Paris and Kristof) going to Scotland together in august! Anyone experience with Scotland? 
We had a lot of fun! We walked in the streets of A'pen. The sun was shinning bright and we were smiling and laughing. Since the weather is good in Belgium, everyone looks so cheerful! Streets are filled with stylish people and colorful clothes! Antwerp feels like home. We kinda grew up there. It was the first big city we went to and it was like 'wouw'. Definitely one of our favorite city to explore. It's full with surprises. We hope you like the pictures and your welcome to visit it one day!



Mimi said...

what a gorgeous place! thanks for sharing these photos with us! :)

<3, Mimi
Persunmall Giveaway

R's Rue said...

Beautiful city! The chocolate too!

Ruby And Siel said...

Zeker iets tegen de muggen meenemen! En tegen de regen! En een dikke trui kan ook wel handig zijn :) Veel plezier!

Annabelle said...

Antwerp looks really pretty!
And I went to Scotland when I was younger and I remember Edinburgh being really nice, so you should visit there!

Living_in_aShoe said...

beautiful pictures!

Alette said...

Lovely pictures! Looks like you had a lot of fun :)

Unknown said...

Beautiful pictures, Antwerpen is such a gorgeous city, I have to visit it one day!

Thanks for visiting my blog, hope to see you there again :)

ice pandora said...

Wat een lieve foto couple c:
Ik ben ooit in Glasglow geweest,
echt heel mooi daar! Beetje
heuvelachtig met hier en daar
kasteelachtige woningen.
Ah, ik ben al zo lang niet meer
in Antwerpen geweest :c Xx

ice pandora said...

Wat een lieve foto couple c:
Ik ben ooit in Glasglow geweest,
echt heel mooi daar! Beetje
heuvelachtig met hier en daar
kasteelachtige woningen.
Ah, ik ben al zo lang niet meer
in Antwerpen geweest :c Xx

SABINNA and DAVID said...

looks like a great trip! we are also thinking about going to Antwerp this summer :)

xx, Sabinna and David
Broken Cookies

sepatuholig-Grace Njio said...

Beautiful photos! Great post...

Panty Buns said...

Antwerp looks fabulous! I love the photos. I'm from the U.S. and have never had a passport, but if I ever travel to Europe I would love to see Antwerp.
Two the bloggers I follow who have experience with Scotland are Sarah of We Shop Therefore We Are from Glascow, Scotland and Jenny of FROCTASIA who used to live in Scotland (her husband's parents still do) - they met in the highlands of Scotland.
Enjoy your trip to Scotland in August :)

Lisa said...

great pictures! i've always wanted to visit antwerp :) looks like you had a fabulous time!

monisso said...

Its a very beautiful city and the photos are amazing,they really bring out the beauty of it. I would really love to visit antwerp :)

Dressed With Soul said...

Many thanks for sharing this wonderful pictures with us! And I like it so much how happy you are <3

And thank you for your nice comment on my blog - I checked immediately your blog with the result: I like it!

I would like to follow you on gfc and/or bloglovin. It´ll be great if you come return to my blog to follow me – then I will follow you immediately back.

xx from Bavaria, Rena

Ester R. said...

Aww amazing photos and place! <3

Theresa said...

Lovely photos! (:


livlovelaugh said...

Looks like so much fun ^^


Mei said...

Hi there, thank you so so much for visiting my blog! Ah, I'm so in awe of your beautiful pictures... I really really want to visit Europe one day!


The Dragonfruit said...

I want to travel there now! Haha, these are great photos :)

Trendy Teal

Pip ♥ said...

Gorgeous photos, antwerp looks so beautiful!


Rianna said...

beautiful pics, looks like a great adventure!

Rianna xx

Johnny said...

i love this city;)

little henry lee said...

lovely photos! the one of the bike is beautiful.

little henry lee

Meg said...

These photos are perfection! I'm loving your blog! Xo

Tanja Jojic said...

I really like the pictures =^.^=

Sherin said...

Looks like a gorgeous city. I definitely need to visit one day.

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