Sunday, March 10, 2013

Between the lines of fear and blame

~ The Fray - How to Save a Life
London: "Drive until you loose the road or break with the ones you've followed"

Hello lovely readers! I'm just finishing my homework. A busy schedule  have, but I made some time to write and make this post. (Don't worry, we think about you all the time. Somebody has to make you all mad!) Welcome in the garage! The maddest place on earth we never took pictures in before since the lightning is very bad, (huhu, we have forgotten about the flashlight we had. -.-" ) anyway, we decided to take pictures outside, but it was raining. No surprise since we still live in Belgium. Not much pleasurable weather is given to us. (good thing for the Vampires who live here. Let get back to this later.) So we had to find a way, and decided to take pictures in the garage. I don't think the pictures turned out to be bad, they just have a different atmosphere then usual. I am wearing the wig from abhair again. I'm getting obsessed with it. Besides that I'm wearing a modern blouse from indressme. I adore the two colors and the length. A piece that you can do a lot with in my, our opinion. Of course I tried to add a sweet touch to this look with the shoes, flowers and the wig. Now, back to something I talked about earlier. Vampires, I'm kind of getting obsessed with the vampire diaries! I always heard it was good, but I never watch series with more then 4 season since I can't keep up. Wrong thinking of me, I started watching and it is way to addicting. For those out there who want to watch it, don't do it because you can't stop watching anymore x') At least I feel like watching all the time and it's torturing me that I can't because of work I need to do. Those who are watching or have watched it probably agree with me. Well, We hope you had a lovely weekend!
Blouse: indressme - Wig: abHair - Shoes: H&M - Short: New Yorker - Hairband: DIY



Anonymous said...

Gorgeous hair!

the creation of beauty is art. said...

I am definitely obsessed with the Vampire Diaries too! Love this look. Those shoes are amazing.

babycatface said...

Although in garage, pics are as gorgeous as always.
And you look so great in that wig! I'm also obssesed with wigs, would love to have hundreds.
Have a great week girls!
Cat kisses!

Unknown said...

Great post


Cailin´s Place said...

super and cool!

Becky said...

Those shoes are so pretty!


Unknown said...

Leuke foto's! Inderdaad andere sfeer dan anders, maar dat mag wel eens :D en ik ben helemaal verslaafd aan The Vampire Diaries! Het laatste seizoen is supergoed, in mijn ogen wordt het toch steeds beter :)
Ik las ook de boeken (maar de tv-serie heeft een andere verhaallijn) maar daar zijn de laatste boeken wat slechter in geworden. Anyway, zeker verder blijven kijken! :D

Ruby And Siel said...

Die staat op men series-to-watch lijstje :D Ooit komt het er eens van!
En prachtige blouse! Vooral dat shot langs achter met da haar er zo mooi over gedrapeerd <3
Can't wait to see ya!

Lisa said...

Wow, this look is so lovely, sweet and cool at the same time! The wig truly is amazing!

Bonne Chance Collections said...

This looks incredibly pretty! The colors look just perfect :)

Brenda Lu said...

so cute like a doll!

how fashionable, really love visiting your blog

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