Thursday, March 28, 2013

I went broke, believing that the simple should be hard!

~ All we are - Mat Nathanson
Paris: "In the end the words don't matter, 'cause in the end nothing stays the same and in the end dreams just scatter and fall like rain."

Hellow dear mad ones. Have you heard about Google Reader is going to end on 1 July 2013? A shame isn't it. So we'll announce you to keep following on Bloglovin'. This is a new outfit post after a while. The dress is from Miss Patina, and it absolutely adorable! The color and the pattern is perfect. The fabric is also light and perfect for spring. (if it wasn't still freezing) This was also the dress Paris was wearing at Hotel Bloom. Miss Patina is a vintage shop with the most lovely clothes you have ever seen! In our opinion we could buy the whole shop empty. Be sure to check it out! Easter is coming and that means holidays combined with schoolwork of course, but time to sleep longer and relax a little. (We really need it.) We already have a few plans. How about you Maddies? Have you already panned your holiday?
Dress: Miss Patina - Bag: Vintage - Bow: H&M - Shoes: New Look 


Monday, March 25, 2013


Hello again. We haven't talked about the food we have eaten. Let's change that!

As you can see, hotel bloom also has a restaurant called "Smoods" The restaurant has different theme's. We think it is creative and everybody can find a spot where they are comfortable. We were having dinner in the Flower Power area, but we adore them all!  Before you can enter the restaurant you have to pass the bar which is beautiful and invites you to sit down and drink something. The atmosphere is comfortable and chic. The people who work there are also very friendly. We ordered water after the waiter had offered us cava. He asked if we didn't drink alcohol and offered us a new drink from the bar. It was very kind, since we actually couldn't drink much alcohol because we had to take medicines, but one glass was really okey. The service was good and quick. We ate the "Fish pot-au-feu with brown shrimp bisque served with saffron potatoes, rouille sauce and croutons." and it was delicious. The menu is especially for fish and meat eaters and we are sure they will adore it. We loved it too, but if you are vegetarian there isn't a large choice. What we really enjoyed about the restaurant is that you can see the kitchen, it gives an extra entertainment. After dinner we went to our rooms to write a post and went back for a cocktail  In the weekend the bar is open until 2 in the evening with a DJ taking care of the music. Now we are going to have a drink, we'll continue later...

.... We are back from the bar and it's 00:30. So it's pretty late, but we enjoyed the evening. It was crowed and a lot of young folk was enjoying a drink. We enjoyed a nice cocktail. Paris drank the Red Riding Hood (you really should taste this one!) and London drank a cocktail with strawberries. Smoods is definitely worth visiting when you are staying at Hotel Bloom!


Sunday, March 24, 2013

Hotel Bloom

Goodmorning Maddies. How are you? We have been staying at Hotel Bloom, a hotel in Brussels. When you are reading this we are probably already on our way home.

Hotel Bloom is a unique hotel because of it's concept. Each room has the same white color and the same decoration, but every room has it's own fresco, an art painting on the wall. As you can see on the pictures, our fresco is dreamy yet it has small cruel touches. It fits our style perfectly. The artists name is Virginie de Limbourg. She's an artist from Belgium. She called the fresco "The Rapture". Behind every fresco there is a story and you can find it in your room. 287 creative artists worked on this project. Why is the hotel called "Bloom", well the hotel is located near the botanical garden which had a lot of flowers and trees. "To bloom" means "to open", "to grow or flourish" which represents the hotel. Overall this concept is well though about and you can notice that. We come back to this later! The grey/green carpets are amazing! They give the room a warm touch and make you feel like home. The rooms are also very large and have there own TV. You can even borrow a movie. The hotel in general is very clean. You don't often find such clean hotels, definitely a plus point in our opinion. It's very quiet in our room, it almost scares us to talk to loud. The large window are great as well! The rain on the windows was like music, this time not annoying at all! Enjoy the pictures. 


Friday, March 22, 2013

Just a drop in the Ocean

~ Ron Pope - A drop in the ocean
London: "It's like wishing for rain as I stand in the dessert"

Hellow maddies! How have you been? London has been busy and Paris unfortunately became ill this week, but she's better now. Tomorrow we'll be going to Brussels and we are going to stay at the Hotel Bloom. We are very excited and of course we'll keep you up to date! Now about the pictures, these were taken at the L'Oréal Paris Professionnel Event, backstage as you can see. The hairstyles were just perfect. The ones you see in the pictures were definitely my favorites. Perhaps because they look a little more romantic. Which one is your favorite?


Tuesday, March 19, 2013

L'Oréal Paris Professionnel Event - Outfit

Down - Jason Walker 
London: "I shot for the sky, I'm stuck on the ground, so why do I try? I know I'm going to fall down."

Hello dear mad ones! It's been a while, but when the vacancy is approaching we probably have more times. Apparently London has an sore esophagus  and you know what, it actually hurts quiet a lot, but it has moments I don't feel it at all. Yesterday evening it really bothered me a lot, but this morning I only felt a little sick. Apparently it's because I have too much acids in my stomach, so lets get rid of it! Besides this, I have been too the "L'Oréal Paris Professionnel" event with my dearest and best friend Siel from the blog "Two Wonder Girls" Siel and me also met Valerie again from the blog: "V-Fashionwise"! Be sure to visit her blog as well. It's was amazing and I'm sure going to show you more in a new post! We went there with the train, but we were brought back with the taxi. What a kind service, don't you agree! Enjoy the pictures and we hoop you had a nice weekend  too.
Blouse: Sheinside - Jacket: Zara - Bag: Vintage - Shoes: Urban Outfitters - Skirt: Mango


Friday, March 15, 2013

It's time for TEA!

~ Emilie Autumn - It's time for tea
London: "It's time for war, it's time for blood, it's time for tea!"

"Eradicate the enemy, somehow it's always time for... revenge is a dish that is best served now!"
Hello maddies! How are you all doing? Here are some pictures of a tea moment. I think you all already know how much we adore tea and everything that comes and goes with it! Soon we will be showing pictures of London's redecorated room, which is... you will see. And you already saw pictures of London's room before so you know it's filled with teacups and teapots, cupcake-books,... The teacups you see here are given by Siel from the blog: twowondergirl! Worth a visit! She had given it for London's birthday a few years ago. Isn't she great!  We are pretty tired and weekend won't be a time to rest either, but as long as we stay mad we'll be okey. What are you guys going to do in the weekend?


Sunday, March 10, 2013

Between the lines of fear and blame

~ The Fray - How to Save a Life
London: "Drive until you loose the road or break with the ones you've followed"

Hello lovely readers! I'm just finishing my homework. A busy schedule  have, but I made some time to write and make this post. (Don't worry, we think about you all the time. Somebody has to make you all mad!) Welcome in the garage! The maddest place on earth we never took pictures in before since the lightning is very bad, (huhu, we have forgotten about the flashlight we had. -.-" ) anyway, we decided to take pictures outside, but it was raining. No surprise since we still live in Belgium. Not much pleasurable weather is given to us. (good thing for the Vampires who live here. Let get back to this later.) So we had to find a way, and decided to take pictures in the garage. I don't think the pictures turned out to be bad, they just have a different atmosphere then usual. I am wearing the wig from abhair again. I'm getting obsessed with it. Besides that I'm wearing a modern blouse from indressme. I adore the two colors and the length. A piece that you can do a lot with in my, our opinion. Of course I tried to add a sweet touch to this look with the shoes, flowers and the wig. Now, back to something I talked about earlier. Vampires, I'm kind of getting obsessed with the vampire diaries! I always heard it was good, but I never watch series with more then 4 season since I can't keep up. Wrong thinking of me, I started watching and it is way to addicting. For those out there who want to watch it, don't do it because you can't stop watching anymore x') At least I feel like watching all the time and it's torturing me that I can't because of work I need to do. Those who are watching or have watched it probably agree with me. Well, We hope you had a lovely weekend!
Blouse: indressme - Wig: abHair - Shoes: H&M - Short: New Yorker - Hairband: DIY


Thursday, March 7, 2013

One foot in front of the other

~ Emilie Autumn - One foot in front of the other
Paris: "We never will forget, and no, we will never forgive. We fought hard not to die, yet we don't know how to live. How do we change our world to what we want it to be? How do we move beyond all of this misery?"

"We wagged a war with Hell, and look, we still survive, but just because we live does not mean that we're alive. We've won the final round, but how to enjoy the win when we've been broken down and we'll never know what could have been. Heaven help us, where do we begin? ONE FOOT IN FRONT OF THE OTHER FOOT"
Hello again mad readers. It's London speaking about a post of Paris though, but poor girl is still not home, so I'll do her a favor since I'm on schedule with my work. I found the most amazing song which supports me took take steps forward when I feel down. Emilie Autumn is a singer who you must like, I guess, but I'm sure this song can help everybody. I interpret that it's about taking steps to get over everything you are dealing with. Just taking one foot in front of the other foot, which is so true. I adore this song very much now and listen to it all day now to make myself to just take on foot in front of the other. So lets all do that!
About Paris outfit; I personally like it. It's classy and cool at the same time. The hat makes it look more classic together with the bag. The amazing sweater from Sheinside gives it a more cool touch together with the jeans and shoes. I personally love to wear the sweater since it really is one of my favorites. Doesn't it look comfy and stylish at the same time? We hope you like it as well!! Loves, Paris and London.

Shoes: Urban Outfitters - Sweater: Sheinside - Jean: Zara - Hat: H&M - Bag: VJ-Style

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