Friday, December 21, 2012

You're always a day away!

~ Tomorrow - Annie
Paris: "The sun'll comes out, tomorrow, bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow there be sun. When I'm stuck at a day, that gray and lonely, I just stick out my chin and grin and say: Tomorrow, I love ya tomorrow, you're always a day away."

Hello mad readers, I know this is the day this mad world supposed to die, but hey think positive we're are still here, or perhaps we didn't noticed that we died. We can still die of course, but I think that is something we don't want to talk about. But again, think positive  Nobody raised from the dead, so, it can't be that bad, right?! We hope that comforts you.
Now other subject. Since we thought the world would end today we didn't spend much time on our blog, but apparently we are still here, so we can blog again. c: Sooo here we are with a new post. It's cozy since it's cold here and the cardigan from Tidestore is really suitable for weather like this and it looks very beautiful too in our opinion. It's sooo fluffy and white as snow!! We combined it rather classic with a blouse and crossed skirt from Romwe. Yeah, we needed to pray for our lives, of course! x')
Cardigan: Tidestore - Skirt: Romwe - Top: Reenc - Bag: LateManta



Femme Virtue said...

love your shoes! they're so cute!

Unknown said...

omg your style is so perfect!<333


Anonymous said...

love your bag and jacket! great winter look xx

Anonymous said...

love your coat!

Unknown said...

Cute photos!


Lavender said...

I love your photo works!! what camera and lens do you usually use? I'm a new follower ;)

The Dragonfruit said...

Love everything about this outfit - the cozy jacket, print skirt, and awesome boots <3

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Trendy Teal

the creation of beauty is art. said...

I love that song! You look beautiful as always!

Catarina said...

so amaizng as always! love your outfit! <3 x

Mish said...

that cardigan looks comfy! :)

XO, Mish @
PS, Quick giveaway on my blog! Ends today! ENTER HERE!

Kacie Cone said...

Oh my gosh I want your shoes!

Sydney said...

you are just kidding about you believing the apocalypse arent you? lol cute coat btw!

Anonymous said...

lovely skirt! x

Ellie M said...

Absolutely gorgeous as always!

Hope you have a lovely Christmas!

Ellie xo
MisseBlog | MisseDesign

Unknown said...

Love the skirt, great look :) x

Marie said...

Definitively love your blog! :)

XO, Marie

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