Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Stress - Health

As I already announced on facebook, there is going to be a new topic on the blog. I recently found out I have hypnophobia (fear to sleep). There actually is no cure for it, but I noticed I especially have it when I have stress and unfortunately I have stress almost all the time, even for the smallest thing. And yesterday was the day I told to myself; "London, you are going to do something about this!". And here I am, sharing my research and what I will be doing the next year and longer!


STRESS - a bad thing!
Well, stress will get you pimples and as we all try to avoid these little basters, we should avoid stress the same way, but we also know it isn't that simple. Stress is bad for your nails and skin as well. And as I told you earlier, it will case trouble sleeping. And it's proven that teenagers need 9 to 10 hours sleep and adult 8 to 9 hours, so sleep is a crucial point here! Something I noticed as well when I have a lot of stress, I get hair loss!
When we have stress our body thinks we are in danger. Our body will make more adrenaline and cholesterol. If we have to much of this it cause some problems you would like to avoid as much as the pimples. 1. your immunity will become weak - 2. skin problems - 3. you can become depressive or forgetful (Perhaps a good excuse of your teacher). I hope I convinced you to do something about this stress.


  • Sport (Just one hours is more than enough. Do something you like. You can even do something fun with you friends or brothers and sister. They probably have to deal with stress as well. Sport isn't only for loosing weight. It's to feel good.)
  • Eat Healthy. (I know, I know, it's very obvious that we need to eath healthy and it does sound bothersome in the beginning, but I heard a lot of good thing about it. You will feel better, more energetic and less tired. Besides that, it's good for you body and skin. Less pimples and dark circles that is. Isn't that worth it!)
  • Less Alcohol. (For me that isn't really a problem, and I don't know about you guys but I'll name some things why you should try to avoid it. It has a lot of calories you actually don't need. It can cause cardiovascular diseases when you drink to much of it. It affects your logical thinking. (One glass of wine, bear,... can't hurt of course.)
  • Have some 'You' time. (This may sound silly, but you need it or you'll break. You have to plan this along with the sports in your schedule. You need to spend time for hobbies or just to do nothing for a day. Don't feel guilty about that.)

If you are doing all that I named above, you are already halfway through. (Keep in mind that you won't see results in one day.) The only thing I can do now is give you some tips you have probably already heard from.

  • No laptops, TV, mobile phones! Ow, those tablets aren't allowed either. It distracts you and keeps you mind awake, partly because of the light.
  • Sleep in the dark! (Light can lead to a disturbed metabolism.)
  • Reading. (It's a great alternative for the TV or Laptops/Tablets. Take that book that you need to read in stead of watching TV.)
  • Don't think about what you need to do. Think about fun things or focus on the book.
  • If this doesn't work you should go to the doctor for some advise! 

A topic I will be writing about, will be food. I'll share some amazing sites and let you know all about what you need to feel good! I hope I could help you. Lets try to avoid stress and be healthy together!
Pictures and Art by London


Brenda Lu said...

impressing book!

Sisters and Sisters said...

Wat een leuke boek!

ice pandora said...

Yeah I should gain alot more
sleep... I'm trying to get
atleast 7 hours of sleep per
day. Very nice inspiring
scrapbook! c: Xx

Nonchalant Rebel said...

How lovely!

xx Mounia

mywhiteT said...

Great Information. I to stress a lot and providing some days to rest up and providing some me time always helps out.

Unknown said...

oh, zo erg! leuke manier om het beter te maken dat wel! supermooie tekeningen & collages ! xo

Anita said...

This is such an inspiring book :)

Unknown said...

Amazing book!!

Kate said...

Stress is such a killer! I hope you are able to destress, relax, and battle this easily! I'm praying for you. =]

Kate from Clear the Way

Akshara Vivekananthan said...

Great tips, especially the relaxing ones! I often find myself finding it difficult to fall asleep sometimes, and I'm sure paying attention to these details will really help. I really hope your tips help you in dealing with your hynophobia!<3

Unknown said...

So lovely !

Jo said...

super interesting! something I definitely need! I totally notice that my stress is totally perpetuated by bad/junk food, lack of sleep, and lack of exercise...I love the artwork! so creative!!

Can't wait to see your food post! I'm not super used to eating healthy, so I'm excited to see what healthy food looks like!

Mel Kirk said...

Awesome post! I've suffered with stress for a long time now and am trying meditation for the first time on Friday. I look forward to hearing how you get on...

krystal said...

Thanks for the lovely post and inspiring me ! Loving your blog. You two are such stylish people ! x

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