Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Birthday Gifts

~ I got a dream - Tangled
London: "I got a dream, I got a dream. I just wanna see the floating lanterns gleam. Like all you lovely folks, I got a dream!"

Hello maddies. London is hear again with a new post while Paris is enjoying her holiday in Budapest. (little jealous). We didn't really mention we have turned 21 on the 7th of August, but some of you might have read it in a post. Yesterday Siel from 'Two Wonder Girl' visited me to take some pictures and have some fun, and she gave a birthday present. Not to mention, Siel is my best friend and she always know the best presents! But in the beginning of July I gave a B-day picnic (See 'Here') to my wonderful classmates who wanted to do a shoot and they gave some wonderful presents as well. (They are amazing models, so check out the post 'Here') First of all I want to thank all of them for the wonderful gifts! I'm really happy with them and I promise you all, I'll take good care of them. The lovely pearl color is from the lovely twin Charlotte and Hannah! They gave me some amazing earrings as well, but Paris has them at the moment. (She loves them too!). Lieselotte has given me an Elephant teapot and a flowered teacup. (she knows how much I love tea!), and I can't forget the amazing green hat. My amazing parents have given some stunning earring as well from 'Oorbellenonline'. The dress earrings are even called Ruby (which is my real name for those who haven't figured out yet). Mieke got me some bubble blower. I can blow bubbles for hours. 'Here' you can see the post where I used it. Siel got me the book 'Beauty' by Lauren Conrad. You can check out her site 'here'! It really looks like a wonderful and beautiful book and I have already let my eyes slide over a few chapters and the tips and tricks seem really helpful. She also got me a wondeful calender with lovely quotes and pictures to make the year perfect! Thank you everybody for the wonderful gifts!



Juliet said...

Lovely,like always

Unknown said...

Hello from Spain: beautiful pictures. I like the pearl necklace. I love pearls. They are always elegant. Keep in touch

Anonymous said...

Dit is echt een leuke post!! Ik hou van de manier waarop je alles gefotografeerd hebt :)

Anonymous said...

very beautiful :)

MILEX said...

This time you nailed it.

Helena said...

Love these cute pics! Which lenses do you use? :)
Have a nice week!! And thanks for popping by!

YZ Chan said...

Looks like you received some beautiful presents. I really like the pearl collar and floral teacup. x

Nerve Wires

Lara said...

I think these pictures are so well taking. I'm jealous at your photography skills! They are becoming better and better.

Sonia said...

Lovely birthday gifts!
Happpy belated birthday!!! I wish both of you all the best!!! :) :)

Thank you for your comments! It means a lot to me! You gave me 'a strength' to be myself and write what I want :) You wrote really beautiful words, thank you! :)

And it's really awesome that you're going to study for art painter!!! I'm so glad, because I think that it really makes you happy and it's amazing to have a possibility to make a life your life :)
I would like to study art too, but it's really difficult and now I don't have any chance to get on a university, so I'm going to study English and I will do my best to improve my artistic skills and then I will try :)

Thank you once again for your lovely words and have an amazing day!!! :)

Joan said...

the pearl necklace is sooooo beautiful! I want one!!

Brenda Evans said...

lovely teapot and cup!

Gioia said...

Prachtige foto's!


Jolijn said...

Ongelofelijk, echt heel mooi gefotografeerd! En die quotes van jullie maken me helemaal vrolijk, vooral omdat het van Tangled is, ik houd van die film!

Tamina said...

I also have one of lauren conrads books :-) I really like it and she is so pretty and cute. btw that white collar looks quite amazing

Sun/Eyeglasses Giveaway on my blog

. said...

everything is just cut and love , very nice gifts . :)

Beverly |

Ruby And Siel said...

Met plezier gegeven, bestie! :)

Ruby And Siel said...

Met plezier gegeven, bestie! :)

Anonymous said...

The necklace and earrings are amazing :D


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