Friday, September 27, 2013

Pinko - Event

London: "The strength of life lies in the possibility of dying."

The girl (amazingly sweet girl) you can see in the picture above is Renée from the blog: "Mellow x Yellow'. We had a talk with her in Berlin before we went to Pinko. We had a nice time talking with you and hope to meet you soon again. Also this will be our last post about Antwerp Fashion Festival. Pinko really fascinated us with their amazing clothes. There is something for everybody and every occasion. We had an amazing time exploring all the fashionable clothes and talking with Tiany from She's always so kind and has an amazing style! Besides that we also met other amazing bloggers like Nikki from 'The Ginger Diaries', Eline from 'Collars and Cupcakes', Naomi from 'Dress Your Life', Inge from 'Fashion En Vie' and lot's of others of course. Thank you girls for the wonderful time, we have to meet and have a drink together some time! Thank you Media Mania for the invite we had a wonderful time.



Sin12012 said...

Your photos are amazing ! Love it !

Brenda Lu said...

how i really want the shoes!

Nancy Wilde said...

That scalloped collar is serious dope! Love it!

Gioia said...

Wauw, die schoenen! De collectie van Pinko ziet er veelbelovend uit


Lara said...

Looked like a nice event!

ghitta laskrouif said...

lovely blog cheers from morocco !!

Dress your life. said...

Haha die stiekeme foto's van andere bloggers! :p Mooie foto's ladies
Naomi, x

MellowYellow said...

You guys are too sweet ! <3

ghitta said...

love it and all the blog is so great !!!cheers from morocco

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