Monday, September 16, 2013

AFF - Liu Jo - Event

London: "There are three kind of secrets. Something you hide at the bottom of your heart because you don't want it to be mentioned. Something that you can't say even when you want to. Something that you hopes someone asks about even though you're hiding it."

We went to Antwerp Fashion Festival. After a stop at Jutka and Ritska and buying a present for our sisters birthday, we went to Berlin, a brasserie, where
we met with some bloggers. This was the first time we had a longer talk with Renée from "Mellow x Yellow". She is very open and sociable and she loves low budget clothes, which is totally amazing. She looked wonderful and her make-up was does so well. After we had a talk with some other bloggers we went of to Think Twice (secondhand shop) where we met Lieselore and before we knew time has passed by quickly, so we moved to the opening of Liu-Jo. The shop was really beautiful. The mirrors make the shop look big and the they sell really beautiful pieces. I really adore the laced black dress. They also held a contest with instagram and they printed the pictures! Plus point! It's always nice to have a printed version. Before I forget to say it, but I want to thank everybody for the warm welcome!!!  In Liu-Jo we also finally met Maya from the Belgian blog: "Archistas". She is very kind and we had an amazing time with her and her friend! I can keep naming amazing bloggers we met. ^-^ Thank you upr and Liu-Jo.



Live-Style20 said...

nice pics;DD

new post

ice pandora said...

Die schattige bow in je gevlechte
haar! Leuke collectie hoor c: Xx

Unknown said...

Hello from Spain: beautiful pictures. I really like this brand. For me it is too expensive. A pity! . Keep in touch

Dress your life. said...

Het was ook heel leuk om jullie te ontmoeten! :)
Naomi, x

Juliet said...

Lovely,like always

ilovetrends said...

It sounds great! Nice pics btw :)

Kacie Cone said...

Wow looks totally awesome!

Anonymous said...

beautiful :)

Angie J. said...

aaawh I love your hair!

Jenna Opsahl said...

Your blog is the loveliest! I am a new follower for sure. Can't wait for more beauty fashion and photos.
Feel free to stop by my blog!

The Equinox Fashion by Paweerata said...

looks very interesting!

Unknown said...

the fishtail & bow is so cute

Katie Frank said...

you are lucky one you were there <3 <3 <3 wow, it seems like amazing event <3 you angel :)

Anonymous said...

Nice pics!

Anonymous said...

Wauw, heel mooie foto's! ;)

Sabrina said...

Love the soft and classy palette in your photos! That yellow jacket pops so beautifully and I love the bow in your ponytail with the sweater. Awesome looks!


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