Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Love is the reason for everything!

"At the end of the day, every decision we make is because we long for love, wish we had more time, and we fear death." ~ Collateral Beauty

Sometimes, I believe, everybody needs something that can brighten their day. People smile much to often, pretending to be happy. Showing true color is to hard to do in this overjudging society. But the person sitting next to you right now could be going through a lot without you noticing it. 
We all are given time, but we don't know the amount of it. This gift we sometimes call a curse. Sometimes it seems limitless, but we all know it can be a blink of an eye. Only we can manage our own. We can decide to count the days and years, but we all know right, those numbers or just numbers. Days are just days and years just years. It's there to make it easy to express what time is like, and perhaps we deny this, but it's just a passageway towards the inevitable, we call death. The word we all fear, hate, but it exists to love. To love time, to love the things we detest so much. The pain and suffering overwhelms us each time, but never forget it's there just so we get to know how beautiful life can be. 

Pictures take on our Birthday Party on the 7th of August 2016. We had an amazing time, and it was a shame we didn't shared them before. 

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