Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Time flows in a strange way

"She sees in black and white, thinks in greys but loves in color"

It's been a while ago when we took these pictures. It's winter already and these were taken during autumn.
Soon it will be Christmas eve and we will celebrate it with our parents. Really looking forward to it.


Wednesday, December 13, 2017

London - Part 2

"The most important decision you will ever make is to be in a good mood" ~ Voltair

This post is about day two of our citytrip to London. We followed the next route in our book: Time to Momo. We went to Oxford street where the map led us to a small side street. We would never have found St Christopher's Place without the help of the guidebook. It was a cozy small street with little shops and restaurants. Definitely worth a visit.


Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Tour Mont Blanc - Part 2

“The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.”  ~ Eleanor Roosevelt

"What a view!" - that was our first impression when we looked through the windows of the refuge we stayed in last night. The scenery was breathtaking. You can read all about it in this post. More pictures about our morning view are there as well. We promise, you wont be disappointed!
We ate breakfast around 7 a.m. It was as cozy and primitive as our dinner, but it was charming non the less.


Sunday, December 10, 2017

The creative adult is the child who has survived

“Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people.”
~Henry Thomas Buckle

Honestly I don't have much to tell about life at the moment. Everything seems normal and perhaps a little boring after all our trips. Tour Mont Blanc and London were so memorable that ordinary life seems dull and uninspiring.


Saturday, December 2, 2017

“Mind the gap!”

“The moment you doubt whether you can fly, you cease for ever to be able to do it.” ~ J.M. Barrie

Its hard to describe our visit to London in a few words. We had some ups and down, but the experience was unforgettable. London had been on our 'must visit' list for a long time, and somehow out of the blue we started saving money. London has easily been our most expensive trip, but somehow it was totally worth it!


Friday, November 3, 2017

I solemnly swear i'm up to no good

“The person, be it gentleman or lady, who has not pleasure in a good novel, must be intolerably stupid.” ~ Jane Austen

Hello dear mad readers. Here some pictures of books I'm currently reading and want to read.


Sunday, October 15, 2017

Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower

“Love the trees until their leaves fall off, then encourage them to try again next year.”  ― Chad Sugg

Autumn has finally arrived in Belgium. But that doesn't mean it has to be rainy all day. Today the weather was very warm. We could enjoy the sun and the beautiful canopy of collared leaves. I adore autumn because everything feels much warmer than summer. The sun is much more gentle.
Here you have one of our first autumn outfits of the year. I especially love mustard yellow, because that color just screams "wear me" during this time of the year. Don't you adore this sweater from Metisu. It's not to cold not to warm. A perfect midseason item. I combined it with my Monki jeans I bought in Eindhoven (but hey, a Monki is now coming to Antwerp!). My white sneakers, and a bag from forever 21.

Sweater: Metisu - Jeans: Monki - Shoes: can't remember - Bag: Forever 21


Monday, October 2, 2017

Breathing dreams like air

"Always remember to fall asleep with a dream and wake up with a purpose!" ~ Pinterest

These pictures were taken a while ago when we were on a trip to Eindhoven. The hotel was a wonderful shooting location. We adored the white surrounding of the hall and the natural light. This will probably be the last picture of me with blond hair, because it recently became dark brown. My hair was suffering, so I decided to end the bleaching.

In Eindhoven we shopped in Primark, but also in Monki. Monki is such a wonderful shop! We are also happy that this shop is coming to Belgium, because it has become one of our favorite shopping location. The clothes are just different, and have something unique. Sadly, you pay the price.
Anyway, we had a wonderful relaxing time there, even though the weather was very bad.

Have a nice day!

Wearing: Pants & Top: H&M - Hat: Zara - Shoes: can't remember - Bag: Forever21


Saturday, September 30, 2017

Tour Mont Blanc- Part 1

"... if you knock knock me over, I will get back up again" ~ Trolls

Dear maddies, We've been out for a little while, because we were traveling around the Mont Blanc.
The pictures in this post are from day 2, because day 1 wasn't that spectacular.
As you can see there was a lot of snow we didn't prepare for. We started in a green valley and walked all the way up to this snowy mountain in a snowstorm. Like you can see in the picture below, we were wearing shorts and had no gloves.

Our journey started with a lot of courage, the snowy mountain was our main view for that day, not yet expecting we had to get to the top of it. As we started to climb and snow started to fall, we were astonished, not yet able to see what would be waiting ahead.

It was cold, but the cold didn't seem to bother us that much. All we wanted, was to reach the refuge. The climb was hard, but the challenge to stay on track was even harder. There was so much snow blocking our view that it was hard to find our way. We were luckily to not get lost, because other travelers apparently did. On our way we met two adventurers following the route in the other direction. They were wearing socks as gloves, and I think they noticed the enlightenment on our face when they explained the refuge was only a ten minute walk away. We stopped the day earlier then it was described in the book. We arrived in Refuge "de la croix", blue lips, now noticing how cold we actually were. The refuge was wonderful though! It was cozy, warm and primitive. All the food had to be brought there by helicopter. Electricity, warm water and drinks were scarce. Which was why we had dinner with candlelight. We talked with the other travelers and went to bed early.

The pictures of the snowy mountain were taken in the morning, since you couldn't see a thing that evening.  We were happy we stayed, because otherwise we would have missed this scenery! It was breathtaking, don't you agree. We were ready to start day 3 with new energy.


Monday, July 24, 2017

She lives the poetry she cannot write

"To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people just exist." ~ Oscar Wilde

Hello dear mad readers, we know it's been a while. We do apologize, but we were enjoying the warm weather here in Belgium. Recently we've been to Eindhoven. We shopped, had dinner in a special restaurant and discovered the neighborhood, but more details will be added in a separate post. During our stay we talked about our trip to London in November, and what we are going to do there. Somehow we are really looking forward to it. Almost to excited. It's summer and we still have to do a lot of things you can only do this time of the year. For example, going to the beach. We actually wanted to go there instead of Eindhoven, but the weather wasn't cooperating. That's why this shopping trip suddenly replaced our beach plans. In the Inntel Art Hotel we took some pictures. London was like, this is a beautiful place to take pictures, and as you can see, the pictures are lovely. Enjoy the outfit pictures and stay tuned for the post about Eindhoven.

Skirt: Romwe - Sweater & Bag: Forever 21 - Shoes: New Look - Hair: Stying Vieng


Thursday, June 22, 2017


"Not all those who wonder are lost" - J.R. Tolkien

Wednesday I went to a friends house to take care of six little kittens.He went to France for a month and asked me to keep an eye on them. He lives on a farm which is located in the peaceful nature of my city.
When I was on my way home I heard a cat screaming. I searched for a couple of minutes and then I found him: Pattoux. All alone in the grass, screaming for his owner.

Now the little fellow is living in my house and I'm searching for someone who wants to take care of him. I'm not allowed to have cats or dogs in my apartment. His character is nice and he loves the attention me and my sister gave him.

I contacted a voluntary organisation and they came to pick Pattoux up a few days later. We hope they find a nice friendly person for him soon.


Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Love is the reason for everything!

"At the end of the day, every decision we make is because we long for love, wish we had more time, and we fear death." ~ Collateral Beauty

Sometimes, I believe, everybody needs something that can brighten their day. People smile much to often, pretending to be happy. Showing true color is to hard to do in this overjudging society. But the person sitting next to you right now could be going through a lot without you noticing it. 
We all are given time, but we don't know the amount of it. This gift we sometimes call a curse. Sometimes it seems limitless, but we all know it can be a blink of an eye. Only we can manage our own. We can decide to count the days and years, but we all know right, those numbers or just numbers. Days are just days and years just years. It's there to make it easy to express what time is like, and perhaps we deny this, but it's just a passageway towards the inevitable, we call death. The word we all fear, hate, but it exists to love. To love time, to love the things we detest so much. The pain and suffering overwhelms us each time, but never forget it's there just so we get to know how beautiful life can be. 

Pictures take on our Birthday Party on the 7th of August 2016. We had an amazing time, and it was a shame we didn't shared them before. 


Saturday, April 29, 2017

Our Cocktail Bar

“I drink to make other people more interesting.” ~ Ernest Hemingway

A while ago, me and Paris created our cocktail bar. The weather was warm and we saw it as an opportunity to create a small summer bar with of course lots of alcohol. We enjoy drink cocktails when the sun is shining bright. It somehow always reminds us of the days where you can sit on the balcony until the sun goes down. Unfortunately soon after, Belgian weather returned. No opportunity was given to really test our little bar. We tasted "white Lady", a cocktail with gin, lemon juice and cointreau.  A fresh drink that dated from 1919. A perfect aperitif. Here some pictures of our creation. Lets hope the summer will be here soon. Have a wonderful weekend!


Friday, April 21, 2017

Holding on and Letting go

"It's everything you wanted, it's everything you don't." ~ Ross Copperman

Sometimes we need to let go to assure your place in the future. Letting go sounds so easy. Like dropping a pen onto the floor, not caring to pick it up again. Though in reality, we eventually lift the pen from the ground, using it again to take notes. We need the pen, we need the past, but... we could as well just take the pen on the desk to make notes, neglecting the pen that has fallen. It's hard do describe the way I am feeling now, though I'm continuing to appear strong. I have to leave things behind. No, not just things. People who are actually very dear to me. But change will give me a new opportunity to, what I hope to be, a bright feature with  more opportunities. I know, in the end I will have to let go again and we all have to do it one day. But somehow it feels like a door is opening in front of me while the other behind me is closing. The door in front of me is all I ever wanted and yet the door behind me could have been just enough.

Pants, Sweater and Coat: H&M  - Bag and shoes: Forever 21


Sunday, April 16, 2017

The Bucket List

“You must give everything to make your life as beautiful as the dreams that dance in your imagination.” ~ Roman Payne

Hello dear Maddies. I'm back from a skiing trip in France. The mountains were beautiful and it was so peaceful and still. But I will make a post about it later.
Now, I want to talk about my bucket list. Do you guys have a bucket list?

There are a few thing in life I want to do like:

  1. Walk the GR 10 Trail through the Pyrenees 
  2. Printing all my digital pictures, before my computer dies. (Plus a photo album is awesome) 
  3. Spending the night on the beach. 
  4. Seeing the Northern Light 
  5. Enjoying the little things in Life 
  6. ... 
I can go on with my list, but the above are to most important at the moment. I want to walk a piece of the GR 10, because I like to walk and enjoy pure nature and it's rough mountains. Plus it's a challenge and I like challenges. Nature gives me the feeling that I'm a free person.

What's on your bucket list?

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Harry Potter

'We must all face the choice between what is right and what is easy' ~J.K Rowling

Me and my sister went to 'Harry Potter in Concert'. We were very excited to see the first movie of Harry Potter again with live music.
We decided to be a tourist in our own country, so be booked a hotel room in Antwerp, where we stayed after the concert.
I must say it was a very nice experience. The music was beautiful. Sadly the room was to big. Though we had a good place, we couldn't see the musicians from close.
After the concert we went for a cocktail in 'Applemans'. A well know cocktail bar in Antwerp. We talked about the music and our childhood. It was a perfect weekend.

Me and my sister are sorted in Huffelpuf. Which of the four houses are you sorted in? 

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