Monday, August 25, 2014


~ Ao Haru Ride -  "アオハライド 

Hello Everybody, today I've made a special post. I want to introduce you to somebody very special! I have been exchanging e-mail with a friend called Maiko from Japan lately and we decided to write letters to each other. It's pretty much the first time I'm actually writing to a penfriend. I really wanted to mention she is really talented in voice acting! She already won a price. You can see her here. wonderful, isn't it? She is also going to do the lead voice of this anime. She also has a blog, so please check it out ^_^ She was so kind to send me a birthday present as well. When the package arrived I was surprised, because I wasn't expecting this much. I couldn't actually open the package immediately because I had to head of to my exam. (which went well, I guess). She always supports me and is so kind! And because of her kindness, I decided to do something in return. First of all I wanted to write this post to show my appreciation to her, and later on I'm of course going to reply and search for something local and nice to send back to her. I can't wait to start writing! She had pasted stickers with numbers on the presents and in the letter she explained what it was. Isn't that so adorable and thoughtful! As you can see she gave me, chopsticks, Japanese candy, a clip book maker (isn't it beautiful!), a mirror ( from handmade Japanese paper!) and a Japanese paper fan. This is a souvenir from Kyoto. I hope I can visit Kyoto one day too, because I think it's really beautiful. She also bought me eye shadow and a lip pallet. I love the colors. Thank you so much for your letter, Maiko. I'm sure you are going to achieve your dream! I'm your fan


Sunday, August 24, 2014

France - Part 1

~ Mungo Jerry - In the summertime

London & Paris: "In the summertime when the weather is hot, you can stretch right up and touch the sky"

Hello dear mad readers. After a long time, the first post of France has appeared. As you perhaps know, we went on vacation to Valras! The mother of my sisters boyfriend invited us. It was the first time London took the plane, but it all went well. When we arrived in the afternoon the weather was warm and beautiful! It was about a two hour trip by plane. We couldn't do much the first day, but we walked around the beach where London already got blisters from her new sandels, XD and when we came back we swam in the pool. The pool is so beautiful, don't you think, and a few times we had it all for ourselves. The mother of my sisters boyfriend Paris always brings her cats along. The black on is called Kasimir and the other one is called Vitalis! The orange cat who you don't see is called Janus. It was such a sweet cat. She also has a turtle called Olijfje (olive). That was pretty much our first day.  More post will be coming of course! The tip was very cultural, but also we walked a lot through nature and we saw a lot in those few days!

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