Monday, July 28, 2014

A long time ago...

~ Gabrielle Aplin  - Panic Cord

London: "Maybe I pulled the panic cord, maybe you were happy, I was bored. Maybe I wanted you to change, maybe I'm the one to blame."

Hello dear mad readers! Two days ago we bought a new game called "Dominion". It's such a fun card game with so many options. We can't stop playing it. Paris her boyfriend even came over to play it in a nice cafe. There we also played "Kolonisten van Catan". Also a very fun game. We wondered if there were still people who liked playing board games or card games since everything is getting more and more digital. We somehow still adore these game and like playing them with a good cup of tea or a nice beer. Anyway. Enjoy the pictures and the video we made. Loves, London and Paris.

Dresses: London Vintage


Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Spending time, gaining experience

~ Supercell - Kokuhaku

London: "I wonder if you remember, when I fell in love with you, I had an idea that I would definitely make you,who doesn’t even smile, laugh."

Today me and my sister Paris went shopping in the city to buy a birthday present for our father. We wanted to come up with something original, but we didn't find something we wanted to give. So we searched further untill we found it. I have to be careful what I write, because our perants read our blog, so nothing will be revealed here either. It's so nice and warm in Belgium now. It makes me happy though I have to work on essays. Hoeray -.-" Well, I look forward to our journey to France, though I'm a little afraid to travel with a plane. Anyway, what do you think of this adorable top and skirt with clouds from Choies? It's perfect for summer! It summer itself in my opinion. I love wearing this two-piece suit sooo much! Anyway, we wish you a lovely week! Loves, London and Paris.

Top and Skirt: Choies - Sandals: Schoenenreus - Bag: Vintage


Saturday, July 19, 2014

I softly swear, I will make my dream come true!

Yakusoku - Hihaya Kisaragi

London: "As pain someday changes into courage, memories will change into love."

Hello dear maddies! I do apologize for not commenting back or answering questions. Me and Paris are very busy at the moment, but I promise I'll make time soon. Now I quickly make this post because I felt like it.
Have you ever felt like escaping all that surrounds you. Walking past the days of tomorrow, not wondering between worlds. I am so desperate at escaping my haunting thoughts and experiences that I can't do anything anymore. The sun was warm these past few day. I sit and look at the clouds. The blue sky, the soft sighing wind comes closer to my eyes. A memory that wont appear. It's getting harder each day, because the years pass by so quickly and before we know we are old. An airplane shoots through the sky. What is is the sky clear and bright. We stare with big eyes. What did your face look like back than? I don't know why but I can't recall. A welcoming, painful reality passes by and it passed by very quickly. Our chosen days pass by very slowly, but can fall quick. Playtime is over in only a few days. I think that somewhere on this road, we realized over... 'We will never forget what it's like to walk forward'. Our footsteps running, running towards our future days dreaming about the tomorrows we make. We can't go back, we can only meet the future days. We know, soon, it all will be over. This secret place is our last page. Lost as we were. A summer sky as bright as this one. We won't cry, we laugh and turn the page. I know, maybe, we'll meet again.


Thursday, July 17, 2014


Thursday again. I'm working in a factory for almost two weeks now. I'm tired, but it pays well. Two weeks to go! How are you guys? Are you doing a job as a student as well? This weekend my boyfriend planed something, but I don't know what. So I'm really excited.
Now, the outfit. I want to show you this sweater from MrGugu and Miss Go. It's such a nice sweater? It's made from a very soft textile. It feel very confortable and looks so nice! They have amazing things on their site. I wish I could buy everything they had, but that is not possible I guess. They even have a sweater with a hamburger on it! I wish you a nice happy weekend!

Paris is wearing: Sweater: MrGugu and Miss Go- Skirt: Chicwish - Shoes: River Island - Socks: H&M


Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Small Things

~Blink 182 : All the small things 
Paris: She left me roses by the stairs. Surprises let me know she cares

Again a Mad day! What do I have to say? Well, our new shoes from asos arrived and I and London were excited to take pictures with them! This is the result! I really adore these sandals, but sadly they hurt a little. No long walks with them! But they look so cool and yet adorable! What do you think about them? I'm in love with them! It's been a while when we got new shoes, so we were happy when we got 2 new pairs.
My hair is cut and it's shorter then I wanted, but it will grow back. I wish you a wonderful week! I'm started working for 4 weeks! Jeej money! x) Stay mad!
Wearing: Shoes: Asos - Skirt: H&M - Shirt: vintage - Glasses: Armani


Sunday, July 6, 2014

Don't Trust Me Either

Hello dear mad readers. We recently got an email with pictures of this amazing t-shirt. The blogger 'Idressmyselff' styled it so good, that we totally got inspired. The text is really nice and it's a perfect shirt for summer. I think you can style it in many ways. Cool and cute! In the the mail were also pictures of different style combinations attached. We are showing them to you. What do you think of the shirt? It's from Choies and it's only $12.99. It's not expensive in our opinion and you don't have to pay for the shipping, which is a plus point. Also other shirts are in the same prices. Definitely worth trying, no?


Friday, July 4, 2014

I secretly stole a glance of your face

~ Supercell - Utakata Hanabi

London: "If we grew a little tired, we'd sit down on the roadside, listening to the distant sound of the orchestra."

Hello dear Maddies!! Today we went to an amusement park. The weather was very warm and we had a lot of fun. We we're able to get in every attraction. We walked a lot and enjoyed the beautiful weather. Sadly there were a lot of rude children who went in group, but weren't accompanied by any adult. They were a bother, giving comments, pushing and they couldn't wait in the line so they start slipping in front of everybody. I think it's sad that the youngsters have become like this. Anyway, me and my sister had a lot of fun and ate delicious ice-cream! mmm. Tomorrow we are going to support the 'Rode Duivels' again! We were planning to watch outside, but it turns out the weather is going to bad. Also we are paying the market a visit in the morning. I look forward to it. For now we are really exhausted. We wish you all a mad weekend!

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