Monday, September 30, 2013

The Big You

It has been a while since we were received an invitation from UPR Belgium for The Big You, but no worries. The post is finally here. I had to select carefully since there were so many pictures and I don't want you to scroll down endlessly. First we want to introduce you to a fellow Belgian blogster called: "Monica" and her blog calls "Monica Harmony". You should check her blog out since she has a creative, original style I haven't seen in Belgian before. I dare say she is one of the most original style bloggers in Belgium.

First we introduced to Illy Cafe. Illy Cafe makes the most adorable coffee cups as you can see on the pictures and their coffee taste great as well! The coffee cups are limited, so if you want to get them, you have to be very quick. It must feel amazing to be drinking out of a cut little cup like that.

Veritas organized a workshop to make your own beanie. It wasn't very easy, but I always wanted to learn how to make my own scarves and gloves. (Paris is doing very well with making them now.)

Yes, Swarovski was there as well to show their new collection. I was totally sold by their collection. We were even allowed to try some of the jewelry on! (yeeey). Having a Swarovski Jewel is always a treasure.

L'Occitane was presenting a new sent 'Fleur d'or Acacia' created with flowers who crow during Christmas, I believe. That way it became their Christmas sent. It smells really amazing. It's fresh and light. I was totally sold. I already tried some other products and I'm really satisfied.

Pepe Jeans was celebration their 40 anniversary. We were invited to celebrate with them, so we took some balloons, flags,... to take a picture with. It was fun and our hair was covered in confetti afterwards x')


Sunday, September 29, 2013

The most precious thing is different for every human

Paris: "Night is good! Appearance lose their meaning and get swallowed up by the darkness"

Hello everybody! How are you? Again we are showing you an outfit that this time Paris wore at Antwerp Fashion Festival. The look is modern as well and again in the black and white theme. You really can't do anything wrong with black an white. It looks chic and you don't have to wonder if the colors do match. You can just add another color to give your look an accent and it's done. We hope you like this outfit.
Coat: Zara - Pants: H&M - Blouse: MissPatina - Clutch: Vintage - Shoes: New Look


Friday, September 27, 2013

Pinko - Event

London: "The strength of life lies in the possibility of dying."

The girl (amazingly sweet girl) you can see in the picture above is Renée from the blog: "Mellow x Yellow'. We had a talk with her in Berlin before we went to Pinko. We had a nice time talking with you and hope to meet you soon again. Also this will be our last post about Antwerp Fashion Festival. Pinko really fascinated us with their amazing clothes. There is something for everybody and every occasion. We had an amazing time exploring all the fashionable clothes and talking with Tiany from She's always so kind and has an amazing style! Besides that we also met other amazing bloggers like Nikki from 'The Ginger Diaries', Eline from 'Collars and Cupcakes', Naomi from 'Dress Your Life', Inge from 'Fashion En Vie' and lot's of others of course. Thank you girls for the wonderful time, we have to meet and have a drink together some time! Thank you Media Mania for the invite we had a wonderful time.


Saturday, September 21, 2013

It's been inside us all the time!

London: "Sometimes we just can't find the strength, so we just have to look harder. Find it, swallow it so we become well aware that it's inside us until we forget again."  

Hello best maddies out there! It's been a while since we have posted something new onto this blog, not that we haven't anything to post. We still have so many post for you all about events, outfits and lovely bars, but first we wanted to share the outfit London wore at Antwerp Fashion Festival. We went to the opening of the new store from Liu Jo and also went to Pinko (that post still has to come) It's probably something you wouldn't see us wear often since this outfit is more modern. We are really fond of the black and white trend and we also decided to wear more modern clothes sometimes since we really like it as well. What do you guy think of this outfit? Besides, taking these pictures was so embarrassing! It was in the 'rich, expensive' shopping streets in Antwerp. x') We'll hope you enjoy the outfit and the pictures.
Coat: Zara - Blouse: Zalando - Shoes: Urban Outfitters - Skirt and Blouse: New Look - Necklace: H&M


Monday, September 16, 2013

AFF - Liu Jo - Event

London: "There are three kind of secrets. Something you hide at the bottom of your heart because you don't want it to be mentioned. Something that you can't say even when you want to. Something that you hopes someone asks about even though you're hiding it."

We went to Antwerp Fashion Festival. After a stop at Jutka and Ritska and buying a present for our sisters birthday, we went to Berlin, a brasserie, where
we met with some bloggers. This was the first time we had a longer talk with Renée from "Mellow x Yellow". She is very open and sociable and she loves low budget clothes, which is totally amazing. She looked wonderful and her make-up was does so well. After we had a talk with some other bloggers we went of to Think Twice (secondhand shop) where we met Lieselore and before we knew time has passed by quickly, so we moved to the opening of Liu-Jo. The shop was really beautiful. The mirrors make the shop look big and the they sell really beautiful pieces. I really adore the laced black dress. They also held a contest with instagram and they printed the pictures! Plus point! It's always nice to have a printed version. Before I forget to say it, but I want to thank everybody for the warm welcome!!!  In Liu-Jo we also finally met Maya from the Belgian blog: "Archistas". She is very kind and we had an amazing time with her and her friend! I can keep naming amazing bloggers we met. ^-^ Thank you upr and Liu-Jo.


Saturday, September 14, 2013

Like all you lovely folks

~I've got a dream- Rapunzel

London: 'You can count me with the dreamers, like everybody else I've got a dream!'

Hello Dear Maddies! Paris 'writing'. A few days ago we made an outfit post with swing dresses. Today we show you an other piece with softer colors. I love the print of this dress! It's covered with hearts! Yesterday we went to Antwerp Fashion Festival. It was amazing! We talked a lot with other bloggers and took bunch of pictures! We show you later. Enjoy the pictures!
London is wearing: Dress: LadyVintage - Boots: River Island


Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Stress - Health

As I already announced on facebook, there is going to be a new topic on the blog. I recently found out I have hypnophobia (fear to sleep). There actually is no cure for it, but I noticed I especially have it when I have stress and unfortunately I have stress almost all the time, even for the smallest thing. And yesterday was the day I told to myself; "London, you are going to do something about this!". And here I am, sharing my research and what I will be doing the next year and longer!


STRESS - a bad thing!
Well, stress will get you pimples and as we all try to avoid these little basters, we should avoid stress the same way, but we also know it isn't that simple. Stress is bad for your nails and skin as well. And as I told you earlier, it will case trouble sleeping. And it's proven that teenagers need 9 to 10 hours sleep and adult 8 to 9 hours, so sleep is a crucial point here! Something I noticed as well when I have a lot of stress, I get hair loss!
When we have stress our body thinks we are in danger. Our body will make more adrenaline and cholesterol. If we have to much of this it cause some problems you would like to avoid as much as the pimples. 1. your immunity will become weak - 2. skin problems - 3. you can become depressive or forgetful (Perhaps a good excuse of your teacher). I hope I convinced you to do something about this stress.


  • Sport (Just one hours is more than enough. Do something you like. You can even do something fun with you friends or brothers and sister. They probably have to deal with stress as well. Sport isn't only for loosing weight. It's to feel good.)
  • Eat Healthy. (I know, I know, it's very obvious that we need to eath healthy and it does sound bothersome in the beginning, but I heard a lot of good thing about it. You will feel better, more energetic and less tired. Besides that, it's good for you body and skin. Less pimples and dark circles that is. Isn't that worth it!)
  • Less Alcohol. (For me that isn't really a problem, and I don't know about you guys but I'll name some things why you should try to avoid it. It has a lot of calories you actually don't need. It can cause cardiovascular diseases when you drink to much of it. It affects your logical thinking. (One glass of wine, bear,... can't hurt of course.)
  • Have some 'You' time. (This may sound silly, but you need it or you'll break. You have to plan this along with the sports in your schedule. You need to spend time for hobbies or just to do nothing for a day. Don't feel guilty about that.)

If you are doing all that I named above, you are already halfway through. (Keep in mind that you won't see results in one day.) The only thing I can do now is give you some tips you have probably already heard from.

  • No laptops, TV, mobile phones! Ow, those tablets aren't allowed either. It distracts you and keeps you mind awake, partly because of the light.
  • Sleep in the dark! (Light can lead to a disturbed metabolism.)
  • Reading. (It's a great alternative for the TV or Laptops/Tablets. Take that book that you need to read in stead of watching TV.)
  • Don't think about what you need to do. Think about fun things or focus on the book.
  • If this doesn't work you should go to the doctor for some advise! 

A topic I will be writing about, will be food. I'll share some amazing sites and let you know all about what you need to feel good! I hope I could help you. Lets try to avoid stress and be healthy together!
Pictures and Art by London

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Birthday Gifts

~ I got a dream - Tangled
London: "I got a dream, I got a dream. I just wanna see the floating lanterns gleam. Like all you lovely folks, I got a dream!"

Hello maddies. London is hear again with a new post while Paris is enjoying her holiday in Budapest. (little jealous). We didn't really mention we have turned 21 on the 7th of August, but some of you might have read it in a post. Yesterday Siel from 'Two Wonder Girl' visited me to take some pictures and have some fun, and she gave a birthday present. Not to mention, Siel is my best friend and she always know the best presents! But in the beginning of July I gave a B-day picnic (See 'Here') to my wonderful classmates who wanted to do a shoot and they gave some wonderful presents as well. (They are amazing models, so check out the post 'Here') First of all I want to thank all of them for the wonderful gifts! I'm really happy with them and I promise you all, I'll take good care of them. The lovely pearl color is from the lovely twin Charlotte and Hannah! They gave me some amazing earrings as well, but Paris has them at the moment. (She loves them too!). Lieselotte has given me an Elephant teapot and a flowered teacup. (she knows how much I love tea!), and I can't forget the amazing green hat. My amazing parents have given some stunning earring as well from 'Oorbellenonline'. The dress earrings are even called Ruby (which is my real name for those who haven't figured out yet). Mieke got me some bubble blower. I can blow bubbles for hours. 'Here' you can see the post where I used it. Siel got me the book 'Beauty' by Lauren Conrad. You can check out her site 'here'! It really looks like a wonderful and beautiful book and I have already let my eyes slide over a few chapters and the tips and tricks seem really helpful. She also got me a wondeful calender with lovely quotes and pictures to make the year perfect! Thank you everybody for the wonderful gifts!

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