Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Between the good and bad, there's where you find me!

~ Becca - I'm Alive
London: "Inspiration can't be found. I get upi and fall but... I'm Alive!"

Hello Maddest maddies! I hope you all are having a good time. London is now working extra hard for her exams. The woodcut takes hours, but I'll blame myself for getting such a complicated design. I'm curious how it turns out though. My father is making a printing press, so I can work well. Ow, I have also popper material to work with now as well, but it's soooo expensive -.-" I'll show you in a different post what it all looks like. Now about the outfit: if you followed our facebook, you probably already knew we have taken some ballet pictures. I kind of was inspired by the circus. It madly came up in my mind, and so... I wanted to create a circus-like outfit. It's been a while since I wore these torturing shoes, but I seem to get my balance right. Not that my technique is correct since it's been a while since I practiced, but I can't express how much I adore dancing. My art project really helpt me realize what I had left to be forgotten. Something hidden deep inside you, left to be forgotten, left to disappear along with the memories. I'm not intending to do that. Good and bad things have come with it and it has made me who I am now. Do you hid something that you dug up again since you liked it so much? 


Friday, July 26, 2013

Different roads sometimes lead to the same castle

~ Mhysa - Game of Thrones
London: "Never forget who you are, for surely the world won't. Make it your strength. Then it can never be your weakness. Armor yourself in it and it will never be used to hurt you."
Hello maddies, how are you? You know, a lot had happened and I really was thinking to end this blog because of certain issues. Though I'm not sure Paris still wants to continue with blogging, I will keep blogging and perhaps change the name of the blog when the decision has been made. The good news is that the blog will keep excising.
These pictures are kind of random, but I was experimenting with a long dress and draping it to create a different dress. I was inspired by 'the game of thrones' since you know I'm now addicted and even doubting if I should read the books since I've heard they are very good. I never been a real fan of the middle ages up till now, this series really inspired me with many things. The point of view about life, discussions and sudden surprises, good or bad. I'm sure we all have up and downs, you just have to find that fire inside you that keeps burning when everyone else is going out, making sure you can be the one who can light the others. Finding that special talent whether it's big or small, since even a smile can brighten someone's day. You don't have to become a great artist to make great paintings, nor do you have to be more than you already are, because when you know who you are it can never be used against you! Live is full with possibilities, you just have to be willing to take them.


Saturday, July 13, 2013

Under a shady grove just waiting for the stars

~ Cecile Corbel - Sweet Song
Hannah: "By the hills and lands where my heart has gently grown and where the trees are in bloom forever"

Hannah is Charlotte's sister, actually, they aren't just sisters, they are twins as well. Hannah is as kind as her sister. I wonder who can't be friends with them since they are super friendly and both beautiful! I adore the outfit of Hannah, and I can't help thinking that she looks as fragile like her sister. When I did the shoot, I pictured her like a lost girl. The atmosphere in these pictures are special and it almost looks like a painting to me. Hannah her long blond hair is soooo beautiful, I'm really jealous. The dress really suites her and the color pink as well, but now as I look at the pictures, red would suite her wonderful as too. Hannah, I had an amazing time and you were an amazing model! Hope to see you soon again! Ps: those shoes suite you well! ;)
Dress & Ring: Vintage - Bag: Sac D'anvers - Shoes: Steve Madden - Headband: Diy


Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Would you like a cup of tea or a piece of cake?

~ Cécile Corbel - The Doll House 
London: "Take care of the doll house, my father used to say. It's built for little people and maybe one day they will come into the doll house"

Wonderful greetings from the maddies here. We hope you all are having a wonderful day. As you can see our blog layout has changed a lot, and I (London) dare say I have cursed a lot to get it this way and I still have to fix some errors, but to be honest, I'm not really a html freak so it always takes a while before I figure things out. I hope it will be fixed soon. You will notice the 'Older Post' button is now moved to the sidebar, which I think is rather pathetic since you have to scroll all the way up to go to the older post. (Seriously, who is that mad to to that?). Well, at least it looks a looootttt better than before. So, what do you guys thing of the layout?
Now about the look; I found this beautiful vintage dress again in my closet and I almost forgot how much I liked this one. Combined with the blond wig of 'Ab Hair Wigs' I find myself stepping in wonderland again. The lovely flowers in my hair are a gift from Charlotte and Hannah. You can see Charlotte (also called Charlie by me) in one of the outfitposts below. They both really are so kind! Thank you again darlings! The bubbles that you can see are created by a gift I got from Mieke! I adore this gift so much. I have already used it soo much x') haha. Thank you as well, Mieke. I should stop writing, though I feel like a lot has happened and too much to tell, but I'll let you enjoy these pictures!
Dress: Vintage - Headband: Gift - Shoes: H&M - Teacup: Gift - Wig: Abhair


Sunday, July 7, 2013

We are young

~ Song: We are Young! 

Paris: 'So let's set the world on fire. We can burn brighter than the sun!'

Hello Maddies! Today it was a very hot day! So we decided to go to the park to take some pictures and have a water fight! We ate ice cream and had company from some weird guys who asked us what time it was. There were at least five guys, and nobody had a cellphone?
I'm wearing two pieces of the brand Chicnova! I realy love it. It's a maxi dress and a t-shirt with the print of a hippy bus! I love hippy stuff! I want a car like that one day and travel with it :)
What do you think of this outfit?

Paris is wearing: T-shirt and Skirt: Chicnova - Headband: H&M


Friday, July 5, 2013

I am a young maiden, my story is sad

~ Cecile Corbel - Blackbird
Charlotte: "If I was a blackbird, could whistle and sing. I'd follow the vessel my true love sails in."

On these pictures you see Charlotte. She looks very fragile in these clothes, but even though she is fragile, she's beautiful like a blossom in full bloom. Charlotte is a cheerful girl and dreamy and sometimes she kind of reminds me of myself. We have a lot of things in common we like, and it's no surprise this outfit would be something I would wear as well. The blue flowers match her blue eye shadow wonderfully and give that extra touch that this look needed. Thank you for being there for me when I needed somebody to talk to. I hope you like the picture, I really do! And don't worry Charlotte, one day you will be that black bird that will sing more beautiful than any other!
Dress & Shoes: H&M - Necklace: Romwe - Bag: from Rome - Headband: DIY - Bracelet: Gift


Monday, July 1, 2013

Wonders in the Forest

~ Tears in my Eyes - Cécile Corbel
London: "Each day you wake up and never knew if it will be one that can change your forever"

Today, or almost yesterday since it's almost midnight here, I had an amazing day with my friends. I arranged a picnic and was kind of stressing to get everything done before the deadline since I was partying in Gent with Siel the whole weekend. So only Sunday afternoon and Monday morning to prepare the selfmade sushi, salad's, cookies and drinks. Ow, and I also had to clean my room. Surprisingly, I managed to get everything done in time. The picnic was cozy and the company was amazing. We ate and talked and ate some more. After that we cleaned up everything and went to the apartment to get a make-over. We did our make-up, dressed up, talked, had fun and I really felt like a teenage girl again in a positive way. We took a lot of pictures and I'm really satisfied about them. Those girls never did a photoshoot before and they did an amazing job! You are real vogue models girls!!! Well, it was an amazingly cheerful day and I feel like this day was the best start for my holidays. THANK YOU GIRLS! 

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