Tuesday, May 28, 2013

It's time for Beauty!

Hello maddies. How are you? Paris and London have been terribly ill and we do apologize but we have no outfit pictures in stock anymore. Seeing London has to study now as well, probably less outfits will appear on the blog the next three weeks, but we have some beauty favorites for you left. This is the first time we do a beauty review of products we like, so let us know what you think! Loves London and Paris. Read more to find out about the products!


Monday, May 20, 2013

Lovely Earrings!

Hello dear maddies! Perhaps you already read the news on our social networks, but here we announce it as well. A new Earring Shop Online to expand your collection with! OorbellenOnline.be!

A new online shop with amazing earrings has opened. The shop is called: "oorbellenonline" (translated as earringsonline). They sell earring in all different kinds and shapes! The 4 categories are, Fantasy, silver, gold and stainless steel. Besides, they now have a special offer, 20% off all the earrings they sell, but you have to be quick, it only from 20/05 till 26/05. Check out their Facebook-Page to discover the discount. To the mad Belgium followers out there, the shipping is FREE! Besides that, they also send the earring in a lovely package, so if you are still searching a gift for friends, family or of course yourself, don't hesitate to check it out! If you want to see the earrings in one of our outfits, check it HERE and HERE!


Sunday, May 19, 2013

Classic Ballet

A few weeks ago we took picture of our oldest sister. She was staying with us for a while. She saw us making ourselves ready and she asked that she could go with us. These are the results off the shoot. Our oldest sister is a ballet teacher. She is really good in it! We always looked up to her. We wanted to be like her, because she was a ballerina. It was our dream to become a ballerina as well. We love you sis!
Dress & Cardigan: H&M - Hat: River Island - Pic-nick basket: Zalando - Shoes: New Look


Friday, May 17, 2013

Weekend Blog Awards

~ Passenger - Let Her Go
London: "Staring at the bottom of your glass, hoping one day you make your dream last."

Hello everybody! How are you? Yesterday we were at the Smets store in Brussels since the winners of the blog awards were going to be announced. Let's say it was first of all stressing, since the trains towards Antwerp were cancelled but we arrived in time. The store where the event was taking place, was simply amazing. If we had enough money we would have bought every single item, but as students we unfortunately have to get around with a small amount. But hey, looking is just fine as well! We haven't won the award, like we expected, but we had a lot of fun and met some awesome bloggers! The winners of fashion were: Ella & Louise. They definitely deserved the price! Two amazing girls and though we couldn't talk very long, we enjoyed our time together. Of course Sophie from "Je Suis Sophie" was there as well with and Hanne from "Mangelmoes". Two amazing girls with two amazing blogs! The dress Hanne is wearing is made by her and the necklaces both girls are wearing are made by Sophie.  (They are very talented!) Besides that we had to chance to talk to Nanja from "Suriel". She has a beauty blog and I think I have to ask some tips from her since she is really good! The beautiful Paulien from the blog 'Polienne" was there as well and together with her, us and Hanne, we have been in the same High School, Maris Stella. It's hard to remember all of them since there were a lot of amazing people, but of course I can't forget Carolien and Jeroen from "Eyeful". They are so sweet and both looked amazing! We regret we didn't take a picture of their outfit! But perhaps they show it on their blog. Ow, also we met Vanessa from the delicious food blog: "Vane Valentine Food" shortly, but she is super kind, and of course we want to meet again soon! We talked and laughed at and drank a lot of the food and drinks they offered us and went back late. The goodybags are awesome (and the food in it is already eaten) and I still feel happy. 'Guys, we soon have to meet again'. Unfortunately Paris is now very ill, so I hope she gets better soon. Have a lovely weekend Maddies!


Sunday, May 12, 2013

My echo is the only voice coming back!

~ Jason Walker - Echo 
London: "Sometimes when I close my eyes I pretend I'm alright, but it's never enough"

Did you ever have that feeling when you wake up and you just know something bad is going to happen. A restless feeling in your mind, your body that doesn't help you think clearly? Though the weather is nothing but promising and people should sit outside in the garden, I still have that feeling of staying inside, save, warm and surrounded by people whom I love. Ridiculousness  how could this day be terrible! I keep reminding myself of the song: "always look on the bright side of life". It's fun and makes me able to dream, like these dreamy pictures thanks to the wonderful wig of wonderfulwigs! Don't you think this wig looks like a real princess wig. I totally adore it, the color and curls are just what every romantic girl dreams for. The pic-nick basket from Zalando is just the amazing accessory for weather like this. You can see more about that item here! Besides, I totally adore these earrings from OorbellenOnline with the zebra pattern! You have them with a lot more patterns and colors! I'm sure you will like them as well! Those earrings give your outfit a great accent! Don't you think the blossoms are just lovely, walking underneath them with the pale leaves falling gently down until they touch the ground to rest from the long journey they made.
Bag: Zalando - Earrings - OorbellenOnline - Top: Urban Outfitters - Shoes: NotRatedFoodwear - Wig: wonderfulwigs 


Saturday, May 11, 2013

How to make Sangria

We are going to show you how you can make Sangria. We based ourselver on a traditional Spanish recipe and we asure you, it taste more delicious then what you buy in the stores. It also presents nice and is good when friend are coming over and you somehow want to impress them. Now, what does this mad sangria need:


Thursday, May 2, 2013

I don't really know where the world is but I miss it now

~ Echo - Jason Walker
London: "I'm on the edge and I'm screaming my name like a fool at the top of my lungs. Sometimes when I close my eyes I pretend I'm alright, but it's never enough!"

"Cause my echo is the only voice coming back, my shadow is the only friend that I have"
Hello dear maddies,
Like promised the sunshine seems to appear through the clouds and the bright sunbeams are slipping though the heavy curtains. The pictures you are going to see today are taken a while ago when we needed a break. We planned a pic-nick in the park in front of the apartment.  The blossoms are in full bloom showing us what spring should feel like. The air is thin and the grass is high and crowded with white flowers. The pic-nick did consist of  fruit. The first strawberries were tasted and surprisingly, they tasted delicious even though it's still early for them. The little pic-nick basked from Zalando was perfect for this occasion. It consists of two cups, two plates, two knives, forks and spoons and enough room for a lovely lunch or dinner. The design is lovely and romantic and the format is easy to take with you. Besides that the weather was warm enough to wear a summer dress from Dahlia and bare legs could finally be revealed to get a brown tint. We hope the weather over there is enjoyable too, since now I would be enjoying a cup tea soon, since the grey cloud are covering the city in darkness. I'm going to get some charming candles ready.
Hat: River Island - Dress: Dahlia - Glasses: Romwe - Pic-nick basket: Zalando 


Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Weekend Blog Awards

Hello dear maddies,
We already announced on our facebook page that we have been nominated for the Weekend Blog Awards. Amazing isn't it! Thank you very much! Now we do need one more favor of you, we need your vote! You can vote HERE! Thank you ones again and keep coming back because a new giveaway is coming soon!  c:
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