Sunday, April 28, 2013

Dear Diary

Dear diary,
Last days I try to escape the darkness that seems to surround me. It's like endless rain that keeps falling and you keep wishing for that ray of sunshine that refuses to shine. A frustrating feeling is notable in my chest but it's hard to describe the correct feeling. If I only knew a how to express myself, but no words can. I know there is a road right, right there in front of me, but the mist is too thick and I don't know whether I should go left or right. Perhaps forward is an option, but it's feels like every movement can be the way to jump of the cliff, delicate and wrong. Diary, I guess everybody sometimes has to take there flashlight to shine through the mist to not crash, but what if the light isn't there to grab? Luckily I manage myself from falling and keep thinking about lovely things I did and still want to do, though it will take a while before I can do them. Something overwhelms me and keeps me captured, keeping me where I am now, but I feel that I soon will jump out of it, since what my friend says is true! "After rain comes sunshine". One day it will start shining more bright than it has ever done which means I will become stronger, bright and cheerful. One day again, I want to shine as bright as the biggest star in the sky. The sky tonight is very beautiful and so quiet. It's like there is finally peace in my head. A clear sky and clear mind to end the day with is just a great start for a new beginning. I'm curious what tomorrow will bring since I should see everyday as a new adventure. Goodnight!


Saturday, April 20, 2013

We’ll fulfill our dreams and we’ll be free!

~ Mumfird & Sons - Learn me Right 
London: "We will be who we are and they'll heal our scars. Sadness will be far away!"

Dear maddies, it's been a while and do forgive us for blogging so little. Busy times are coming and passing and surroundings seem to change immensely  I sometimes feel lost and sometimes I feel like I can do anything. Moods changing quickly and my fingers are itching when I'm writing this post. The sun is shining so bright but I didn't even found the straight to go outside today. I hope that changes when everything falls back into place. At least we hope you are having a wonderful weekend and less trouble then we are having at the moment. Loves, The Mad Twins
Dress: H&M - Jacket: Zara - Blue bag: Romwe - Shoes: NotRatedFoodwear - Glass: GaintVintage  


Monday, April 15, 2013

Dancing in the dark

Hallo Maddies, Sunday we did a hippy shoot. We used some things to decorate the location with. It was a beautiful weather that day, but you can't see that on the pictures. Really nice change in Belgium. I don't have a lot to say, so I guess I quit before I bore you guys. Enjoy the pictures

Paris is wearing: Skirt and top: H&M - Glasses: GiantVintage  


Sunday, April 14, 2013

Hotel Bloom

Hello maddies, we haven't shown you the last post of the Hotel Bloom yet. We also have a movie for you, don't forget to watch and comment! Like we explained before, the hotel is easy to reach by train or car and there are lots of lovely cafe's to visit. The one called Titanic is definitely on our wish list. Next time perhaps. These pictures show you the entrance of the hotel, which is lovely and    spacious. You can sit while you wait to check in or out, but that won't be long since that goes smoothly  The people are very kind and talk three languages. Plus point for us who poorly speak French! So, if you ever plan visiting Belgium, Brussels, Hotel Bloom is recommended!

Hotel Bloom from Ruby Geentjens on Vimeo.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Blog to Watch: Fancy Melody

~ Jason Walker - Echo
London: "Hello, hello, anybody out there 'cause I don't here a sound."

Hello darlings, today we will be presenting a blogger which we followed for a while. I, London, finally contacted her yesterday and now we are chatting though mail, which is actually so much fun! Thank you Samantha for replying the mails ^-^ Now we have for you a little interview and pictures, but don't forget to visit her blog: Fancy Melody since it's to sweet and lovely to not look at! She also has a shop 'here' where she sells her clothes, so don't forget to check that out as well!
Her Facebook - Blog - Lookbook - Bloglovin'

1. Tell me a little about yourself. Where are you from? What's your job?
My name is Samantha, I am 20. I live in France, in the suburb of Paris, just next to Disneyland! I am a former banker who is looking for another job in the fashion world.

2. What does fashion mean to you?
According to me, fashion is a way to express ourselves. It shows a lot of your personality and your personnal tastes. So it isn't all about clothes but about showing who you really are.

3. Why would you start blog?
I have always blogging since I am 10 so I think it became a hobbit or a drug to me. I've talk about me, myself, things I like or not but I only started to talk about fashion like... 4-5 years ago.

4. Who are some of your favorite designers? Why?
Well... I can't decide which designers are my favorite but they're a some of them I always love the work. Marc Jacobs for Louis Vuitton, his collections always surprise me every season and it's the main brand that inspire me first. I also love Valentino's current artistic directors Chiuri and Piccoli for their dreamy collections full of lace and romantic spirit. Another duo I like is Dolce and Gabbanna for their lastest collections of these last years, they don't inspire my everyday fashion but my lolita style! Well, I have so much more...

5. What matters to you most as a fashion blogger?
I became a fashion blogger because I wanted to share my inspirations, my outfits and everything else related to everyone. For years, I've been struck in my daily life, having no tastes and when I discovered fashion (especially lolita) a few years ago, it was a relief to me, a way to open myself to other people and help me to express my opinions for the shy girl I was.

6. How would you define your personal style?
For my both styles (lolita and western fashion), I love cute, frilly and simple things. I like basics but with an original element

7. What is your inspiration and where do you get it?
I take my inspirations according to my mood and my current obsessions, but it's lolita fashion and lolita trends that inspire me the most. According to what I read or what I watch, it can brings me inspiration. I also got inspired by pastel/romantic/vintage pictures on Tumblr, victorian era from Jane Austen's art and Blair Waldorf's style in Gossip Girl (all seasons).

8. What are some of your favorite fashion websites, magazines, or books?
I like to read ELLE UK and Paulette magazine (french). Well, I rathed prefer UK fashion magazins than french because I feel they are closer to my style.

9. Where is your favorite travel getaway? Why
I've never travelled until last year in the USA (California/Nevada/District of Colombia) but I would love to visit east countries from Europe, especially Austria. I love the german history which is close to the french I deeply love and admire and their culture is also a big inspiration to me! There are so many things to do, to see and visit there.

10. Describe your style in three words. 
Simple, frilly and preppy.


Sunday, April 7, 2013

Picnic at hanging rock

~ Mumford & sons - I will wait
London: "Raise my hands, paint my spirit gold, bow my head, keep my heart slow."

Hello dear awesome readers who are probably very mad to read all this stuff, if you already read this. Because what I'm writing is very mad, you see. Today we went to take picture. The sun was shining bright and the sky was blue. If I was a romantic type, I would say: I love you. But neih, we're mad and dreamy but not cliché. London, my best friend and lovely sister, inspired her on a movie for this outfit. The movie is called: 'Picnic at hanging rock' a movie she got the know during art lessons. So she decided to put on a long dress and organised a (mad) tea picnic. To bad there wasn't any tea to drink (But we have now) To give the outfit a modern touch, she putted on a blazer. What do you think of it? Enjoy your Sunday and be mad and lazy!
Dress and Blazer: H&M - Wig: abhair - Shoes: Urban Outfitters - Bag: Vintage


Friday, April 5, 2013

Room part 2: Beauty Corner

~ Ingrid Michaelson - Turn to Stone
London: "Let's go to sleep with clearer heads and hearts too big to fit our beds and maybe we won't feel so alone before we turn to stone."

"I know I'm nothing new. There's so much more than me and you, but brother how we must atone before we turn to stone."
It's Friday and guess which song is in my mind now when I think about this. My room is finally finished since two day ago. I think it's perfect and though it may look rich, I decorated it with the cheapest stuff I could actually get. Some things are of course more expensive, but the curtains in my room were only 4 euro for both. The "Wibra" sells amazing decoration as well, and the quality is really fine! Can you see the teapot on the shelf? That one did only cost me 3.5 euro, which isn't expensive in my opinion. The box where I keep my make-up in now did cost me the same as the teapot. The nailpolish you can see, I got from my best, greatest, most beautiful friend, Siel from Two Wonder Girls. I'm very happy with it, so thank you again Siel ^-^ Besides that the books "Vampire Diaries" from L.J. Smith have arrived and I'm on page 160, first book, in less then a day. I'm reading them in English, but they read fluently. I'm curious what is going to happen so I'm going to read further now. Have a wonderful weekend! 

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