Wednesday, January 23, 2013

'Cause if we've got no honor, then we've got no shame!

Emilie Autumn - Fight Like A Girl!
London: "There is no such thing as justice, all the best that we can hope for is revenge  a hostile takeover, an absolute rebellion to the end."

"I'll get my revenges somehow on the world or at least 49% of the people in it and if I end up with blood on my hands, well I know you understand cause I fight like a girl!"
These are two quotes of the song "Fight like a girl" from Emilie Autumn. I adore the songs and her lyrics like I explained earlier on facebook as well. This song somehow gave me to straight to fight for what I have, what I can get and what I deserve! Somehow her songs really got a meaning and I adore it, since it's different from the songs I'm used to and they always give me the motivation to do things. I highly recommend her and if she also has more 'soft' songs, the album Enchant, was and I think still is my favorite album and has amazing poetic songs too.
The look is dreamy and no I'm not really in the mood for fighting in this look. I guess, it's more dreamy, playful perhaps. It was rather cold taking these pictures, but the snow is just too lovely. The skirt from Miss Patina is really beautiful, the color and fabric are wonderful! The length is just perfect for us. We really adore maxi skirts but this one is not heavy or looking like it falls down too straight. When you walk it flows so sweet in the wind, very elegant, yep, that's why we love maxi skirts. ^-^  The with blouse and the hat make it somehow even more romantic and the necklace its color did fit the skirt just perfect in our opinion. Well, enjoy the pictures, we have to study now. x)
Skirt: Miss Patina - Hat: River Island - Necklace: H&M - Blouse: Romwe 


Sunday, January 20, 2013

Cold Winter Woods

From Up On Poppy Hill - Sayonara no Natsu  (Summer of Goodbye)
Paris: " Trees shaking in a promenade cast a goodbye shadow. Can the weathercock of an old chapel see the town of summer color?"

"The yesterday love , it's tears, it dries before and disappears. The tomorrow love, it's a refrain. Words without an end. "
Hello maddies, a new winter post for you. This is Paris, who returned yesterday, luckily! Hoeray! And I'm  wearing this amazing blouse of LavishAlice! Isn't it amazingly beautiful! The cut out shoulders are really lovely and makes it so perfect. You can fine more lovely items on their site, I really think they have the most amazing clothes! Definitively worth a visit I styled it with a black skirt of Romwe with crosses on it. The shoes are simple since heels are rather impossible to wear now, so these shoes from Maxstarstore were perfect! For make up I wear the red lipstick of Dior, and a simple eyeliner. The winter landscapes remains here in Belgium and make everything more magical, don't you think?
Blouse; LavishAlice - Skirt: Romwe - Shoes: Maxstarstore. - Bag: H&M


Tuesday, January 15, 2013

I want to be one of these snowflakes

~ FictionJunction - Hanamori no Oka 
London: "At any given time it wont give up it's smile for it's possesses courage!" 

I don't have time to write much, but there was snow today and we are kind of happy with it since it's very beautiful. Even though we hoped it would be on Christmas. Snow is so gently, calm and elegant  I can stare at it for hours since I call it pure beauty! 
About the look; well, we though snow can give a romantic and fairytale like sphere, so we decided to take pictures with the lovely blue dress from Romwe. It's a lovely color and wearing the dress I felt like dancing around. It's cold so the cardigan of Tidestore was a good combination since it felt warm and still looked chic. Of course I couldn't wear high heels so these boots of SoYouShoes were just perfect for this weather. Last but not least a lovely cute necklace from Chicnova as finishing touch. Isn't the carousel cute? Have nice day! xxx
Dress: Romwe - Cardigan: Tidestore - Shoes: SoYouShoes - Necklace: Chicnova Bag: Vintage 


Sunday, January 13, 2013

Gangnam Style Outfit 2

Hello Maddies, how are you doing? We hope you had a mad day, at least we again had the maddest study day ever. Madness is everywhere in this house and yes, it is driving us mad. But we can bare with the madness a little longer until these mad exams are over x)

Talking about mad, you probably all this know this mad song, Gangnam style. Perhaps it's a little late since this song was a trend a while ago, and I can still remember it well, but we still think it's a quiet funny song. We still had to show this outfit, we actually took it a while ago, but forgot to upload it. So we show it to you now. Classic black and white with a blue touch. We hope you like this inspired look. ^^ For the university students, good luck with your exams. For the high school students, enjoy  your Sunday evening ^^ we know, we hate Mondays too x')
Blouse: Romwe - Shoes: Steve Madden - Coat and Bow: H&M - Skirt: Dept - Giant Vintage Sunglasses


Thursday, January 10, 2013

All those presents and sales

Hello Mad Readers, How are you doing. Also busy with studying; at least we are, but we wanted to share what is new. Like Christmas presents and the sales of course ^^
1. Is the Necklace of Anna Dello Russo. It's really beautiful and really lucky we could actually buy it in sale since we didn't have the Chance to go shopping while the collection for h&m was released.

2. My (London) new Ipad
3. The old camera given by my grandfather. We hope it still works.
4 & 5. Two shoes from Urban Outfitters
6 & 7. Sketchbook: this present I got from Taichi, and I'm really happy with it since it fit's my style very very well. c: Thank you c:


Tuesday, January 8, 2013

So much food

We still wanted to show the food we had eaten during Christmas. It's a lot so watch out for the overload of food. x') This is what we have eaten on Christmas Eve! *q*

Christmas Day: We went out dinner! It was French kitchen and really delicious!! mmm

After Christmas our father still kept cooking and he cooked these  *q*


Sunday, January 6, 2013

What if I'm a snowstorm burning?

~ What if - Emilie Autumn
London: "What if I'm a snowstorm burning. What if I'm a world unturning  What if I'm an ocean, far too shallow, much to deep. What if I'm the kindest demo, something you may not believe in. What if I'm a siren singing gentlemen to sleep"

"What if I'm a weeping willow laughing tears upon my pillow. What if I'm a socialite who wants to be alone. What if I'm a toothless leopard  What if I'm a cheepless shepherd. What if I'm an angel without wings to take me home." 
A long time passed again, but we told you we are busy with studying, but of course we'll do our best to make time. We hoped you all had a lovely New Year and we wish you a lot of luck in 2013! About the song and quotes, I adore the song. You are just who you are and it's good. What if? It's a question asked far to much in my opinion. You have to take the  things how they are and even though you can change them, you perhaps first have to ask yourself if it would be even better. What if I could could change my past? Of course it would be amazing, but why don't we look forward and hold on to our past so much. I think this song really expresses how I feel, the things can be good the way they are as long as you except them the way they are now. I get really happy if I listen to this song.
Now about the look. It's colorful since I don't like too much dark colors in winter. It's like saying, this are dark and difficult times, but it can be wonderful and colorful too. I don't agree winter has to be dark and gray and brown. That why I did wear the colorful cardigan from Tidestore. Really perfect to cheer  up an outfit. I combined it with a blue bowler hat and laced socks as final touch. Ow, I don't want to forget the amazing colorful wedges from NotRatedFootwear. I wore a black top and tights so I didn't wanted to wear a black skirt anymore, so I did choose this laced skirt from Chicwish.
About the camera, it's vintage and we got if from our grandfather, it's truly amazing! It's so old. I hoped I could work, but I'm frightened they don't sell the 'picture rolls', but we'll try to search.
Ow you perhaps already noticed I bought an Ipad mini. It's truly amazing. It's easy to use and I actually bought it because I brought my laptop to school all the time, but it's heavy and I don't want to break it since it's very fragile, and besides that I paid a lot of money for it -.-" so I wanted to take care. I really recommend it, if you ever doubt buying a tablet. I'm very satisfied and can share a lot more with you guys now!
Shoes: NotRatedFootwear - Cardigan: Tidestore - Hat: H&M - Skirt: Chicwish


Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Dream On

~Aerosmith - Dream on 

Paris: "Sing with me, sing for the years.Sing for the laughter and sing for the tears. Sing with me, if it's just for today, maybe tomorrow the good lord will take you away." 

Hello mad readers! Welcome in 2013! Sorry for the lack of post, but we're busy studying. The exams are coming and we have still a lot to do. Today we managed to take outfit pictures. The camera you see, is a very old one! We got it from our granddad! It's it such a beautiful camera!
This cat sweater is so comfy! Ideal for studying but also perfect for a dreamy look!

Skirt: Chicwish - Sweater: Romwe - Shoes and Camera: Vintage

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