Saturday, June 30, 2012

I keep thinking about the river

~ Never Let Me Go

Paris: "I keep thinking about this river somewhere, with the water moving really fast. And these two people in the water, trying to hold onto each other, holding on as hard as they can, but in the end it's just too much. The current's too strong. They've got to let go, drift apart. That's how it is with us. It's a shame, because we've loved each other all our lives, but in the end, we can't stay together forever!"
Jeans: Zara - Shoes: NotRatedFoodwear - Bag: Forever 21 - Sweater: Romwe - Headband: Romwe


Friday, June 29, 2012

Remember Forever

~ Remember Forever  - Versailles

London: "glittering underneath a sky full of stars, illuminated by daylight in this world with neither a past or future."
Skirt: Chicwish - Top: Solilor - Shoes: New Look - Necklace: H&M - Hat: France - Socks: Urban Outfitters


Thursday, June 28, 2012

Living in a fairytale

Hello dearies, our results are good! So we are happy. We were so scared to open toledo, but the results were fine. We can start our holiday know. We want to do so many things. What are you going to do? I, Paris, am going to a festival this weekend and I'm hoping that the weather stays good. (Yes, I'm taking about the weather). We wish you the best! :)

Dress: Romwe - Shoes: New look - Bag: Vintage - Socks: H&M 


Monday, June 25, 2012

It's a different world out there

~ Arrietty - Arrietty's song

London: " I want to feel the wind in my hair and to gaze at the sky."

Isn't this shirt of Solilor amazing! The print is so beautiful and artistic and the shape of it is also lovely! Long at the back and shorter at the front!  The print reminds us at the angle paintings from Rubens. Like this one for example: click. You can wear a short underneath like I did, or I think a skirt above is also very nice and romantic! The Jeffrey Campbell shoes and the had are in my eyes the finishing though! I keep loving these kitty Campbell, there so cute ^-^ 
Enjoy the pictures!

Shirt: Solilor- Bag: Forever 21 - Shoes: Jeffrey Campbell - Short: New Yorker - Bracelet: Paris flee market - Hat: H&M


Saturday, June 23, 2012

We Were Free

~ Priscilla Ahn - We were free

Paris: "You were a beautiful sight in a warm purple light like a dream I had failed to see."
Blouse & Short: Romwe - Bag: Vintage - Shoes: Choies 

The sun is finally shining here and that makes us happy! We don't have to wear thighs anymore, though it would be only for a short time because the weather would be getting rainy again! But, well, this materialistic look called for an accent and again these wonderful shoes of Choies did the trick! They are just the perfect sweet accent, isn't it! ^-^
We hope you have a wonderful weekend!


Friday, June 22, 2012

Miscommunication leads to fear and hesitation

Priscilla Ahn - Living in a Tree 

London: "Chaos in the streets only hearts bear lonely beats, in a world carved with steel ans stone."

Today it's our mothers birthday. We made a lot of sweets to eat, I (London) made chocolate cupcakes and they taste delicious! For dinner we are having Asian food, which is amazing because I love it and afterwards all the sweets we made ourselves! Food, food food. We were also glad that she loved our present. Buying presents is so hard.It's also again bad weather in Belgium -.-" but right a the moment it's cozy!
Well about the look. It was planned to be a cool look with a sweet touch. The shoes from Choies are so adorable! They also walk comfortable which is very important! They are just the perfect accent in my eyes. Now enjoy the pictures. ^-^

Bag: Late Manta - Shoes: Choies - Dress: Chicwish - Jacket: Zara - Ring: Vintage


Thursday, June 21, 2012

Brand New Breeze

Hallo, yes we're finally back! Exams are over, so we can relax now. We are so tired of the exams and we were so happy we could finally take some outfit pictures again! It was like freedom! All we need now is the sun, shining bright. What are your plans during the holiday?

I, Paris, was totally in the mood for wearing soft colors with sunglasses from Etnia Barcelona. This skirt is one of my favorites in my wardrobe and I totally love the glasses. I wear them on festivals and have it always with me. They are really good. The Jeffrey Cat shoes are so comfortable, I never would have thought that! We wish you the best!

Blouse: Romwe - Skirt: Chicwish - Bag: Latemanta - Glasses: Etnia Barcelona - Shoes: Jeffrey Campbell 


Monday, June 18, 2012

Give me Wings!

Hello maddies! London's last exam is tomorrow and the last exam of Paris is on Wednesday! we both will be so relieved when it's over!
Now we wanted to show you these new beauties from Choies! Aren't they adorable! The walk so comfortable and light, it's like you're really flying! The colors is also so pretty! We're already looking forward to wear these beauties!
Btw: have you already visited We think the site is adorable and you have so many to choose from! Check the top sellers! We could buy everything from that page and the cat ears are sooo sweet! ^-^
Well, we'll stop writing and let you check it out yourself! Enjoy your week! Ow well, we made a quick picture of how we could wear the shoes. ^-^

Blouse: Romwe - skirt: Chicwish - Bag: Latemanta - Shoes: Choies 


Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Old times will be overtaken by the new ones

~ Versailles - Remember Forever 

"I remember this place, although I can't see anything of it. Embracing tightly, the two of us made a vow and shared a wish. Those overlapping emotions, awakened from their sleep would slow down anyone's live fast and recklessly. I remember this place believing our paths will cross again. I'll keep holding on to the words the two of us promised and the wish we made. No matter how many tears I shed, I'll  keep struggling to walk until I finally arrive."

I just finished my oral exam from ZAO (zelfstudie en actieonderzoek) ! In English: Self study and action research. It's hard to translate. Well, I never say it went good or bad because I don't want to be disappointed, so I just forget and study for the next exam, which is tomorrow. (Stress is killing me!!!) Well, a very quick update which I'm doing during my break now. These pictures were taken a long time ago.
Paris and I went to the begijnenhof in Turnhout, it's a very pretty place and the weather was amazing that day as well. I don't know what we did anymore, but probably just enjoyed the day. Have a lovely Tuesday!

Paris is wearing: Skirt and bag: H&M - Playsuit: Zara - Shoes: Wanted

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