Sunday, August 28, 2011

Today was a Fairytale

Today was a fairytale - Taylor Swift
Paris & London: "All I can say now it's all getting so much clearer!"

Hype for Paris



Anonymous said...

wow these two look like princess......... i like both's dresses ....

Unknown said...

Wow, nice pictures! And lovely dresses.

Depriving said...

Magnifiques ♥

Unknown said...

You both look so beautiful! I love your pictures. So lovely.

Valerie said...

Dit is echt fantastisch! Hou van alles in foto: de locatie, de kleren, de poses :D Dit zou ook echt in een magazine passen :)


girl!!!!this's totally a fairy tale!so pretty!!!i really love that dress!xx

Petra said...

fantastic !
love the dresses !

ice pandora said...

♥ Breathtaking :o xx

LOLA FINN said...

OMG! This pic is so pretty! Love it!

Melanie said...

sprookjesachtig mooi! xx

FAB said...

Like a fairytale dream! Beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!

Charlie said...

Geweldige foto's! Prachtige kleding en setting!
Liefs, Charlie

The Fancy Teacup said...

So ethereal and like garden goddesses!

♥, Jamie

Miri said...

Really looks like out of a fairytale - great job <3

Miri's Castle

Stephanie said...

You guts look so gorgeous together! Love the photos!


fashionwise said...

gorgeous !!! love the dresses as well !

have you seen my latest post ?

Marie said...

Ik vind het schattige foto's ^^. Die kleedjes zijn echt super leuk!

Shybiker said...

So ethereal... you look like faeries or sprites.

Anupriya DG said...

Lovely photos........such a mystic charm about them.....! <3

Vani said...

Absolutely beautiful girls!! I love this post.


azu said...

You two look gorgeous! I love what you're both wearing. The background makes the dresses seem even more romantic :)

Eline said...

wauw, jullie zijn er allebei echt práchtig uit!
Zo mooi!

Mars said...

You girls are so beautiful. I love your style, it's so feminine and lovely. So pleasing to the eyes. Your photos are always so beautiful. And I love your new blog layout!
Mars of fashion insouciance

Laura said...

Wow this is such a gorgeous picture!!

Yajaira said...

lovely photos - nice dresses

The Foolish Aesthete said...

Enchanting garden fairies! I love the 2nd photo with you both peeking from behind your trees.

Melanie Zaia said...

Great! ♥

Anonymous said...

prachtige dromerige foto's!
Net 2 elfjes!

Unknown said...

These photographs are beyond beautiful. The dresses look so sultry and the location enchanting.

Kristina oxoxo

Bella Donna said...

hele mooie foto, wauw!

Unknown said...

wow this looks like a editorial!!!! you both look so great :)

Rimi said...

so absolutely lovely :)

Carys said...

These photos are so magical, and what beautiful dresses!! Your blog just gets better and better every time I stop by!
From Carys of La Ville Inconnue

Call me M said...

Aww what a nice photoshoot with the 2 of you together! :)
You both look gorgeous!

Jane said...

These dresses are sooooo pretty and sooo feminine! Great photos too!

Sarah & Carrie said...

love love love...fairy tale indeed!

Miy said...

Ah.. I'm blown away by these photos.. so ethereal.. so enchanting.. you both looks so much like fairy princesses..

Love and even more!

The Picnic Girl

Kaisha said...

WOW! This entire shoot is so ethereal! I just found your blog and I think I am in love. Very lovely ladies. Look forward to seeing more x

Anonymous said...

Such gorgeous dresses! I love them both.

Thanks for stopping by my blog. :)


Lady Flower said...

I love this dresses.
Like a fairy :)

Martina said...

both of you are wonderful

Vanessa, Take only Memories said...

Wow, you both look absolutely stunning!

Natalie Koltunovskaya said...

Amazing pictures! You look like fairies!

createyourscene said...

ooh wow.. hou van jullie maxi-jurken! x

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous :)

menina elegante said...

You both look so mythical!! I love it. :) x

Christianna said...

Your interview is up girls! I used the 3rd picture from this post! These are lovely pictures!

Nikki | The Ginger Diaries said...

ooooh, zo mooi! x

Christianna said...

Thanks girls! I'm glad you like it! And don't worry about the missed answers. It was so lovely getting to know you better!

Vogue Villain said...

You guys look lovely! Really looks like you guys came out of a fairytale.

Emma said...

You look just like two fairies!
Wow.. So amazing..

Anaivilo said...

OMG you both look so beautiful! I love these dresses and indeed, the whole setting is very..fairy-tale like :D

Samantha said...

What a beautiful picture of the both of you! Belongs in Vogue!

xo, sam

Le Placard said...

This is so beautiful! You guys have one of the best blogs I've seen!



girl and bird said...

oh my goodness. you two are so perfect.

Annah xx

Kimberly said...

absolutely stunning photos love them all!


Ohh it's crazy, you look gorgeous !

The Camelia said...

Wow beautiful !
Thanks for the comment :)

Jen @ redsolesandredwine said...

Enchanting and gorgeous!!

Jackie said...

You girls are just gorgeous! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I am definitely following you now. :-)

Desirae said...

This is truly beautiful!!

Unknown said...

j'adore vos robes <3

Monsterchen said...

wow you girls really look like fairys so pretty!!! this dresses are so gorgous and the setting in the wood so beautiful. i love this post. u girls rock!
love and kiss.mary

Jasmine said...

whimsical , dreamy , awesome

everyday , every photo , every outfit every post in your blog is a fairy tale ♥

love u both

SoapyMermaid said...

wonderfully oneiric...

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