Sunday, August 7, 2011

Replay Event

Here are the pictures of yesterday's Replay event! Now we are going to celebrate our birthday!

Paris and Tom (Costume Designer)

Lieselore (Photographer) and London

More Pictures on our Facebook page

Paulien from the blog: Polienne  



Charlie said...

Happy birthday! Hope you have a wonderful day!
Lovely pictures!
Take a look at my new post about my give away!
Love, Charlie

Lady-Pa said...

great evening


Unknown said...

Love the red skirt and dresses nice collection kisses GIVEAWAY ON MY BLOG CHECK IT OUT

Anonymous said...

Oh, nice post.)) Love your blog!!!.))))))

I need your help ... Soon I am flying to Greece and I will have a two-day shopping in Athens .. You were there ever? If yes, what places you advise?

Unknown said...

Great photos! Have a nice Day :)

My blog
xoxo Michaela

Mihaela said...

ohh. seems like you had so much fun!

My blog♥mfashionfreak

Anaivilo said...

I am sure you both had a blast! Happy Birthday!! I hope you will have a great day :D

Nikki | The Ginger Diaries said...

Gelukkige verjaardag tutskes ^^ Ziet ernaar uit dat jullie een super avond hebben gehad ! x

FAB said...

Happy birthday! The event looks really cool, and some great pieces!!!!

Julian Tanoto said...

the show is awesome! <3

Journal J

fashionwise said...

Gelukkige Verjaardag !

Wat een leuk event ! Ik ben blij dat ik ontmoet heb, hopelijk tot op een volgend event ? ...



Jennie from the Blog said...

superleuke post, en gefeliciteerd! ik ga jullie volgen :)

Estella said...

nice pics!! thanks for sharing!!

createyourscene said...

Ooh lijkt me super om gezien te hebben! Zitten enkele modellen van mijn modellenbureau tussen je foto's :) leuk om te zien! xx

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday again!

Nice photos also, the red skirt is probably my favorites of the clothing.

Rosalind said...

Happy blog birthday. Looks like such a great show.

Annebeth said...

gefeliciteerd met je verjaardag en zooo jammer dat ik niet kon gaan, leek me zo'n leuk event maar moest naar huwelijksfeest van m'n broer!

Anonymous said...

you look stunning, lucky girls!

Isabell said...

Thank you veery much! <3

Great photos! :) you are beautiful sister :D
I fall in love lace dress! :D


Jewel said...

Happy B-day! En het leek me een leuke avond daar! X

The Cat Hag said...

Thanks for dropping by my blog. ♥

The event looks spectacular, and you girlies look so pretty. :)

The Cat Hag
Join My Giveaway

Ola Kowalska said...

happy birthday! :*
you are always look amazing!

Unknown said...

thank you so much. your blog is great! i follow you. replay is great, i love it!

<3 anja

delvywang said...

hai there.. thanx for dropping by my blog.. :) thanx for the sweet comment.. :) happy birthday.. you're very pretty.. :)

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday to both of you!!
Het zag er echt heel leuk uit :)

The Foolish Aesthete said...

Looks like you got good seats for the runway show. Happy birthday!

Eline said...

ziet er super uit!
En nog gefeliciteerd!

Marie said...

De kleding ziet er echt super uit!

Shasie said...

Wow those models have amazing legs!
Shasie of Live Life in Style

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