Sunday, August 14, 2011

Bringing summer love and laughter we'll live happy ever after

How To Believe - Tinkerbell 
London: "Tiny shining star. I know who you are, you never very far, we never be apart."

Shoes: Wanted

Everything: H&M


Petra said...

woow , totally awesome pics !

KaNini's said...

I saw that skirt, it's really too adorable! You styled it perfectly!


aw freaking love the whole outfit!it's just like a fairy tale!have a great weekend!xxxxx

ChocolateFashionCoffee said...

amazing pictures as always!love your style!

Unknown said...

so lovly and beautifull

onesixthreechirp said...

Stunning! :D

Leya said...

you look so beautiful! great outfit!

Elyse (Give Me Bows) said...

How gorgeous is your skirt! You look very lovely x

Alba said...

So beautifull, lovely outfit! ;D

Eline said...

erg mooie rok en ketting!

Nikki | The Ginger Diaries said...

hehe, dat plakje lijkt wel jullie eigen sprookjesbos! Leuke outfit! x

Madeline Quaint said...

Absolutely gorgeous pictures! So lovely!

Isabel, Wake up & smell the azahar said...

Lovely outfit, I especially like the necklace.

Emma said...

Gorgeous skirt x

Marie said...

Prachtige rok!

The Fancy Teacup said...

What an absolute darling skirt!

♥, Jamie

Stiene Saenen said...

Zo'n mooie rok! x

Anastasia from Natbeesfashion said...

London its like a fairy tale!Great photoshooting..
I love your body language <3



halinje said...

b e a u t i f u l !!!
you,pics,your blog too <3

Mihaela said...

the first picture is amazing!

new post♥mfashionfreak

Lesjumellesetvous said...

You are so beautiful! Really!

FAB said...

The print on the skirt is perfection!!!! You look beautiful as always!!!!!

Anupriya DG said...

Looks like a page out of a fairytale.....pretty pretty! <3

Thanx for dropping by on my blog! Am following you!! :)

Not Just A Pretty Dress said...

Your blog is lovely! Thank you for the comment,which introduced me to your 'world'.

BTW, love the booties of this outfit.

Unknown said...

Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. I'm glad to be in good company with another VPV sponsored blogger! :)

Shybiker said...

I love the poetry of these pictures.

Bia said...

I love that necklace! :)


Yasmeen said...

You're so effortlessly beautiful. *_* Like a fairy or something...

Damar Rivillo said...

hi girls, thanks for visint my blog and for your comment... you have a nice blog and what a beautiful photos, really amazing, and love that skirt

Katia said...

Very cute :) I love that second photo!

my thrifty closet said...

so beautiful...I always love your photos. The outfit looks so sweet and charming on you.


Shara said...

you look so pretty!love this combi!La Folie 

Anonymous said...

Darling skirt!!


Rachel said...

So lovely!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous! I love how the poses kinda look dance-inspired :)

sorelle in style said...

Gorgeous! Love that dreamcatcher necklace!

Happy Sunday! :)

sorelle in style

Anonymous said...

cute outfit :D

x said...

Beautiful photos!
I love your outfit :)

Deppa said...

"the little princes dancing in the forest"

Pretty outfit :)
See you cute girl!

Pepa Xavier said...

Lovely <3

Raquel said...

What pretty poses, outfit and photos! You look quite lovely! And you know what? I tried a skirt about the same length as yours today at a charity shop and now regret not getting it :S I thought it was too long but you inspired me and I will probably get it back as soon as I can (hope it's still there!) :)

Anonymous said...

that skirt is beautiful! And i adore the necklace :)

thank you for your lovely comment :)



jess said...

This is such a great look.

Mary said...

Hi lovely,
you really like your skirt!Fab!!
Thanks for sharing!
I just found your blog,it's very cute!I added to your followers!Follow back?:)
I wish you a great Sunday:)
Greetings from Tuscany

Laurel said...

Ooh la la you're so pretty! I love this skirt and your adorable poses.

Unknown said...

you look so wonderful!! thank you for visit me:D

Rimi said...

so ethereal

Chuck said...

I was admiring that skirt in H&M the other day. It looks great on you.

menina elegante said...

That necklace is suburb! x

Anonymous said...

Just saw this skirt at H&M today--it is so lovely. It's such a great print and fabric.

Follow @UnraveldThreads on Twitter!

Anonymous said...

beautiful photos!!

Shasie said...

This look is gorgeous! The skirt is fab
Shasie of Live Life in Style
Wrinkle In Time Vintage Giveaway

Ena said...

thank you :) amazing pics


Valerie said...

You are so pretty! That skirt looks like it was made for twirling around. :) xx

Monique said...

such a magical photoshoot. love your skirt!

Nicole said...

Beautiful photos! This location is so romantic!

Thanks for your comment!

Kisses from Hong Kong,

Silesia Street Look said...

Awsome! :D

Hello Naka said...

you're so graceful and elegant :p im so jeaslous XD

Unknown said...

Wow, I loooove your outit! The skirt's fabulous!!:D

By the way, thanks for your lovely comment:) Hope you're gonna stop by soon again:D

Have a great start into the new week!!:D


Kimberly said...

such lovely photos love the outfit!

Sofia.g. said...

Just wonderful!


Style Hippie said...

Gorgous, gorgous, gorgous! (:
Thanks for your comment.

Unknown said...

love outfit .

livingbelowtheclouds said...

Love the blog. i'm following!

Anonymous said...

So beautiful. The ballerina poses makes it alot more interesting. Do you dance ballet or is it just for fun you do this poses?

Midwest Muse said...

Why are you so incredibly stunning?

Vanessa, Take only Memories said...

I came very close to buying this skirt! It looks lovely on you :)

Alexiane et Nicolas said...

I love this skirt! So beautiful! :)


wow awesome! thanks for your comment ;) would you like to follow each other?

Liza said...


XO, Liza
fashion over groceries

Rachel Diercie said...

Stunning, beautiful, amazing, lovely, gorgeous and I am speechless!

Kaja said...

I totally love that picture! great outfit!

simplyvonne said...

i love the first picture and HM..they have the most adorable and affordable clothes there!

Jules said...

So beautiful pics, so beautiful look, so beautiful girl!!!
I adore your style and also your skirt!!!
xoxo from france

Marisa Noelle said...

Completely enchanting! Everything from the floral crown to the gorgeous shoes is perfection all around:)

Mi_Mi said...

aaa i can't stop...this is amazing outfit that you for the blog^^ amazing collection^^

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