Saturday, March 4, 2017

Benefits of Reading

“Books are a uniquely portable magic.”~ Stephen king

When I was cleaning my house and saw all off my books, I asked myself a question: 'What are the benefits of reading'? So I did some research.
In former times reading  was an important habit to relax. Nowadays  the television is the new book. Watching  television is a lot easier, because reading consumes more energy. You have to use your imagination to visualize every paragraph. Television does that for you.

1. Recreation.
Reading is a good way to relax. While reading you're not in your living room any more, but in a whole new world. It is good to read before you go to sleep. You will fall asleep faster, because of the energy it takes. When you lose yourself in a great story, stress will slip away. Allow yourself to relax.

2. Health
Studies have shown us that reading helps you to stay mentally fit. It slows the progress of Alzheimer and Dementia. The brain is like a muscle. It has to stay active to prevent it from losing power.

3. Learning new things
Reading is tiring, but it is good for you. You will learn new words and a lot more.
You don't have to read mere informative books to learn something about history. Some books are situated in the past, therefore you learn about specific subjects.
You can watch an informative program on television of course, but studies shown us that reading helps us to remember things better.

There are a lot more benefits of reading. These three were my favorites. Keep reading!



Lyosha Varezhkina said...

I also love reading! Actually lately I found a lot of extra reading joy in reading out loud to my husband (we change each chapter). It awakens the theatrical skills and is generally very funny! We often discuss the way voice should sound etc. Not only it is romantic, it also helps making out relationship stronger

Inside and Outside Blog

Laura Jones said...

i do love reading and these are great benefits. i wish i read as much as i used to, but somehow things like watching tv have taken up a lot of my reading time.. i need to change that! xx

Joanne said...

Goed artikel! Ik lees echt te weinig..

Unknown said...

I have always loved reading and somehow, I think it's the reason how I managed to stay sharp in college. Great post.


Brenda Evans said...

thanks for sharing this <3

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